Core Store customer feedback form

BGS Data — National Geological Repository

Core store user feedback

The personal data you give us in this form will be used to gather feedback on our Core Store services to help us to make improvements. We ask for your name and contact details so that we can link your feedback to your visit and so that we can follow up with further questions if necessary. We will keep the personal data for 12 months and then anonymise the feedback.
Your personal data will be handled in line with UK data protection legislation and managed securely. If you would like to know more, including how to exercise your Rights, please see our privacy notice.
If you change your mind about us processing your personal data for this purpose, or have any questions concerning this questionnaire, please contact us on

Please rate your experience in visiting the Core Store: 1 = excellent, 4 = poor
IDA number assigned when visit was arranged
Date of visit(Required)
Are you
1. Using our Web Page, how easy was it to identify the material held by BGS?
2. How helpful were BGS staff in arranging your booking?
3. Were you able to arrange your visit on your preferred date? If not why?

4. During your visit, were your requirements accommodated?
5. How useful was the material you viewed and or sampled for your research?
6. Was your visit successful?

BGS Keyworth visitor forms and instructions

Core store viewing and sampling application form
BGS Academic Waiver
Subsampling instructions
Safe working practices for staff & visitors to the Keyworth core store

Get in touch

For general NGR enquiries or to arrange a visit, please contact: or 0115 936 3143

Dr Mike Howe, Chief Curator

Telephone: 0115 936 3105

Alison Steven, Senior Records Manager

Telephone: 0131 6500 434

Andrew Morrison, Archivist

Telephone: 0115 936 3247

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