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Great BritainAvailability:
GIS point data (ESRI, MapInfo, others available by request)Price:
Free for commercial, research and public use under the Open Government Licence. Please acknowledge the material
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Our free data is available under the Open Government Licence. Please acknowledge reproduced BGS materials.
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The Single Onshore Borehole Index (SOBI) is an index of over one million records of boreholes, shafts and wells from all forms of drilling and site investigation work held by the BGS.
The collection covers onshore and near-shore boreholes from Great Britain dating back to at least 1790 and ranging from one to several thousand metres deep. Each year thousands of new records are added.
Individual borehole scans are now freely available via the borehole scans page.
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Geophysical borehole logs
We hold a large archive of digital geophysical downhole log data from boreholes distributed across the UK.

Borehole records
The BGS Borehole record viewer offers direct, online access to the National Geoscience Data Centre collection of onshore scanned boreholes, shafts and well records.