OGC Catalogue service for the web (CSW)

BGS Technologies

The BGS’s discovery metadata describes the datasets we hold and complies with ISO standard 19115:2003 for geographic information metadata.

This catalogue of BGS data holdings is made available as an Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) catalogue service for the web (CSW). This service provides a standards-based interface to discover, browse and query metadata about BGS datasets and data services.

This service contributes to BGS complying with the EU INSPIRE directive.

Service address


Can’t use CSW?

CSWs are intended for use in the development of data discovery systems and for computer-to-computer harvesting of metadata. Descriptions of BGS data holdings can also be accessed via:

Terms of use

These data are delivered under the terms of the Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced BGS materials: ‘Contains British Geological Survey materials © UKRI [year]’. Contact us if you create something new and innovative that could benefit others.

The BGS provides no warranty as to the quality, accuracy, completeness of this free map data or the medium on which it is supplied. This includes any warranty as to the continued provision of material or that the material taken from this site is compatible with your computer system and/or any other data with which the material is to be used.

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