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BGS Map Viewers

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BGS Maps Portal

BGS maps portal

High resolution viewing of images of almost all small and medium scale maps produced by BGS since mapping started in 1832.

BGS maps portal
Open loop ground source heat pumps viewer

Open-loop ground source heat pumps

A web-based tool developed by the BGS in collaboration with the Environment Agency that provides an indication of whether the conditions for ground loop systems exist in a given area.

Open viewer

BGS Infiltration SuDS map demo

The national BGS infiltration SuDS map provides an assessment of the suitability of the subsurface for the installation of infiltration sustainable drainage systems (SuDS).

Open viewer
Building stones viewer

Building stones

The Strategic Stone Study attempts to identify the most significant building stones used in the past, establish where they came from and potential alternative sources.

Open viewer
Tellus South West Geochemistry Project

Tellus South West Geochemistry Project

Tellus South West provides scientific data to benefit south west England by identifing new opportunities for sustainable user of natural resources and assisting with improving the quality of water and soil.

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BGS Maps Portal

Map viewers

Data published through map viewers allowing you to reveal more about the ground beneath your feet.

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