The card catalogue records items added to the BGS Library service from 1970 to the mid 1980s, when the computerised catalogue ENVIROLIB began. We have undertaken a continuous programme of adding older records to ENVIROLIB and in many cases, the older card catalogue has not been amended. When undertaking a search, users should check the current online catalogues before checking the card catalogue.
Universal Decimal Classification (UDC) sequence for geographic areas
Guide to the UDC geographic codes
Code | Description |
(100) | International. All countries in general |
(2) | Physiographical regions |
(21) | Land areas, mainland |
(211) | Cold, frigid |
(213) | Hot, tropical |
(22) | Island |
(23) | Mountains |
(234) | Mountains of Europe |
(234.6) | Mountains of the British Isles |
(234.62) | Welsh, Cambrian |
(234.63) | Pennine Chain and Cumbrian |
(234.64) | Scottish Southern Uplands, Cheviots |
(234.65) | Scottish Highlands, Grampians |
(235) | Mountains of Asia |
(236) | Mountains of Africa |
(237) | Mountains of North America |
(238) | Mountains of South America |
(239) | Mountains of Oceania, Antarctica |
(24) | Subsurface, underground |
(25) | Plains, desert, marsh, etc. |
(26) | Marine. Oceans. Seas |
(261/264) | Atlantic |
(265/266) | Pacific |
(267) | Indian Ocean |
(268) | Arctic |
(269) | Antarctic |
(28) | Inland waters and waterways |
(282) | Rivers and canals |
(285) | Lakes |
(3) | The Ancient World (Orient, ancient Rome and Greece, etc.) |
(4/9) | The modern world (continents, countries, regions) |
(4) | Europe |
(41/42) | British Isles. Britain |
(41-4)( | U.K. (and Commonwealth) |
(410) | Great Britain |
(411) | Scotland |
(415) | Ireland |
(416) | Northern Ireland |
(417) | Irish Republic |
(420) | England |
(421) | London |
(429) | Wales |
(430) | Germany |
(435.9) | Luxemburg |
(436) | Austria |
(437) | Czechsolovakia |
(438) | Poland |
(439.1) | Hungary |
(44) | France |
(45) | Italy |
(460) | Spain |
(469) | Portugal |
(47) | USSR |
(470) | Russia (RSFSR) |
(476) | Belorrussia |
(477) | Ukraine |
(48) | Scandinavia |
(480) | Finland |
(481) | Norway |
(485) | Sweden |
(489) | Denmark |
(491) | Iceland and Faroe |
(492) | Netherlands |
(493) | Belgium |
(494) | Switzerland |
(495) | Greece |
(496.5) | Albania |
(497) | Balkans |
(497.1) | Yugoslavia |
(497.2) | Bulgaria |
(498) | Roumania |
(5) | Asia |
(5-011) | Near and Middle East |
(5-012) | Far East |
(51) | China |
(515) | Tibet |
(517) | Mongolia |
(519) | Korea |
(520) | Japan |
(529) | Formosa (Taiwan) |
(53) | Arabia |
(532) | Saudi Arabia |
(533) | Yemen |
(534) | Aden and Hadhramaut |
(536.8) | Kuwait |
(54) | Indo-Pakistan subcontinent |
(540) | India |
(548.7) | Sri Lanka (Ceylon) |
(549) | Pakistan |
(55) | Iran (Persia) |
(560) | Turkey |
(564.3) | Cyprus |
(567) | Iraq |
(569.1) | Syria. See also (620) |
(569.3) | Lebanon |
(569.4) | Israel. Palestine |
(569.5) | Jordan. Transjordan |
(57) | Asiatic USSR. Siberia, etc. |
(581) | Afghanistan |
(59) | S.E. Asia. Indo-China |
(591) | Myanmar, (Burma) |
(593) | Thailand. Siam |
(595) | Malaysia (Malaya). Cf. (91) |
(596) | Cambodia |
(597) | Vietnam |
(598) | Laos |
(6) | Africa |
(61) | North Africa |
(611) | Tunisia |
(612) | Libya |
(620) | Egypt |
(624) | Sudan |
(631) | Ethiopia (Abyssinia) |
(64) | Morocco and N.W. Africa |
(65) | Algeria |
(66) | West and N. Central Africa |
(661) | Mauritania and West Sahara |
(662) | Mali |
(663) | Senegal |
(665.1) | Gambia |
(665.2) | Guinea |
(665.7) | Portuguese Guinea |
(665.9) | Sierra Leone |
(666.2) | Liberia |
(666.8) | Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) |
(667) | Ghana |
(668.1) | Togo |
(668.2) | Dahomey |
(668.8) | Burkina Faso (Upper Volta) |
(668.9) | Niger |
(669) | Nigeria |
(67) | Equatorial and East Africa |
(671.1) | Cameroun |
(671.8) | Rio Muni (Sp. Guinea) |
(672.1) | Gaboon |
(672.4) | Congo (Middle Congo) |
(673) | Angola |
(674.1) | Central African Republic |
(674.3) | Chad |
(675) | Congo (former Belgian) |
(675.57) | Ruanda, Burundi (Ruanda-Urundi) |
(675.8) | Katanga |
(676) | East Africa |
(676.1) | Uganda |
(676.2) | Kenya |
(677) | Somalia (Somaliland) |
(678) | Tanzania (Tanganyika) and Zanzibar |
(679) | Mozambique |
(680) | South Africa (Republic) |
(683.4) | Swaziland |
(686.1) | Lesotho (Basutoland) |
(688) | Namibia (South West Africa) |
(689) | Zimbabwe and Malawi (Rhodesia and Nyasaland) |
(691) | Malagasy Republic (Madagascar) |
(698) | Reunion and Mauritius |
(699) | Southern (Indian and Atlantic) Ocean islands |
(7/8) | Americas, N. and S. |
(7) | North America |
(71) | Canada |
(72) | Mexico (and Central America) |
(728) | Central America |
(728.1) | Guatemala |
(728.2) | Belize (British Honduras) |
(728.3) | Honduras |
(728.4) | El Salvador |
(728.5) | Nicaragua |
(728.6) | Costa Rica |
(728.7) | Panama |
(729) | West Indies. Caribbean islands |
(729.1) | Cuba |
(729.2) | Jamaica |
(729.3) | Dominican Republic |
(729.4) | Haiti |
(729.5) | Puerto Rico |
(729.6) | Bahamas |
(729.7/.8) | Lesser Antilles. Leewards |
(729.9) | Bermuda Islands |
(73) | United States of America |
(8) | South America |
(81) | Brazil |
(82) | Argentina |
(83) | Chile |
(84) | Bolivia |
(85) | Peru |
(861) | Colombia |
(866) | Ecuador |
(87) | Venezuela |
(881) | British Guiana |
(882) | French Guiana |
(883) | Surinam (Dutch Guiana) |
(892) | Paraguay |
(899) | Uruguay |
(9) | Oceania and polar regions |
(91) | Malay Archip. E. Indies. |
(910) | Indonesia |
(911) | Borneo, Sarawak, etc. |
(914) | Philippines |
(93) | Australasia. Melanesia |
(931) | New Zealand |
(94) | Australia |
(946) | Tasmania |
(95) | New Guinea, Papua, etc. |
(96) | Polynesia: Fiji, Hawaii, etc. |
(98/99) | Polar regions |
(98) | Arctic and N. Polar region |
(988) | Greenland |
(99) | Antarctica and S. Polar region |
If you want to discover more then please contact the BGS Library.
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Library services: online card catalogue
The card catalogue records items added to the BGS Library service from 1970 to the mid 1980s, when the computerised catalogue ENVIROLIB began
Library online card catalogue: author/title sequence
BGS Library by author/title sequence.