BGS GeoSure data is provided as a series of layered themes. Depending on the scale of data chosen, up to five main themes are available.
Example dataset: The Brecon Beacons, South Wales.
The Brecon Beacons mountains to the north of the area are formed by thick, strong, southward-dipping, Devonian sandstone strata. To the south, initially thick, strong, Carboniferous limestone strata and further south, mudstones, siltstones and sandstones of Carboniferous Coal Measures strata are exposed. In the southern part of the area there are areas of much younger deposits (Quaternary) that cover a large proportion of the bedrock formations. In the river valleys these comprise alluvium composed of varying amounts of clay, silt, sand and gravel. In between the valleys and draped over much of the area is a cover of glacial till. To the north there is a less continuous cover of superficial material that is largely restricted to alluvium in river and stream valleys and a cover of peat on part of the sandstone upland.
For more information, including how to licence the data or access free versions, please visit our BGS GeoSure and GeoSure example datasets webpages.