Open-loop ground source heat pump viability screening map

BGS Technologies — Web map services

In collaboration with the Environment Agency (EA), we have developed a web-based tool that provides an indication of whether suitable conditions exist in a given area for open-loop ground-source heat pumps (GSHP). The tool was developed within a GIS and maps the potential for open-loop GSHP installations (heating/cooling output over 100 kW) in England and Wales at the 1:250 000 scale.

Service address

Enter this address into your WMS client:

Example WMS requests (versions 1.3.0 and 1.1.1 supported)


GSHP viability screening layer WMS 1.3.0 requests in British National Grid (BNG)


GSHP viability screening layer WMS 1.1.1 requests in Lat/Long WGS84 (WGS84)


Can’t use the WMS?

Try the online screening tool viewer if you are unable to use a WMS.

Terms of use

Non-commercial use — acknowledge the material.

Commercial use — apply for a copyright permit or digital data licence.

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