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22 results for "pollution"

Pioneering tool expanding to analyse agricultural pollution and support water-quality interventions
An online tool that shows which roads are most likely to cause river pollution is being expanded to incorporate methods to assess pollution from agricultural areas.

Forty years and counting: new topsoil data provides most extensive snapshot of environmental pollution effects
Scientists have uncovered clear signs of the impact environmental pollution is having across the country’s soil.

BGS to lead a new research project on microplastic occurrence in springs
BGS has been awarded a two-year research project to undertake the first assessment of microplastic occurrence in springs in the UK.

Linking geochemistry and health in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Kakamega-Vihiga gold belt, Kenya
PhD candidate Maureene Auma Ondayo is investigating major and trace element exposure in the environment in Kenya, aiming to reduce exposure of humans to toxic chemicals.

‘Core blimey!’ A PhD fieldwork trip to India
PhD student Hamish Duncalf-Youngson recently visited Manipur, India, to assess the effects of aquaculture, environmental change and pollution at this internationally important site.

Harare’s clean drinking water challenge
Researchers from BGS and partners in Zimbabwe report on the urban water supply challenge in the capital city, Harare.

How does public water use influence the amount of phosphorus in the environment?
New research looks at how phosphorus accumulates in public water systems in the USA.

New BGS karst report released for Hampshire and Wiltshire
The report details the evidence for karst processes in areas of soluble rocks that have not previously been considered karstic.