Katie Whitbread’s Biography
- 2005 – ongoing : Geologist, British Geological survey
- 2017 – Dec 2022 : National Geological Model – Project Manager
- 2012 : PhD University of Glasgow (Fluvial geomorphology)
- 2005 : MSci Geological Sciences, University of Cambridge
- 2004 : BA (Hons) Natural sciences, University of Cambridge
Research interests
- Innovation in data analytics for shallow geological characterisation
- 3D geological modelling systems, processes and infrastructures
- Quaternary geomorphology – glacial, river and slope processes
- Fluvial geomorphology, sediment connectivity and catchment processes
Current projects and collaborations
- 2021 – ongoing: Urban Interactive Models Tool – development of tools for delivery of urban models via the BGS GeoIndex (NGM – Digital – Urban Geoscience)
- 2021 – ongoing: Shallow geological characterisation for groundwater management (commercial commissioned research) – application of mapping and data analytics approaches for superficial geological characterisation to inform recharge modelling and catchment management
- 2019 – ongoing: UK Earth Model – development of the geological structural framework model for the UK
- 2018 – ongoing: Rock@Surface – mapping upland superficial deposit coverage using machine learning (innovation project) (NGM funded – Digital collaboration)
- 2015 – 2018: Sediment connectivity in rural and urban catchments. Eddlestone Water Project, Wild Trout Trust, Tweed Forum
- 2015 –2017 : 21st Century Roadmap: Palaeozoic stratigraphy and palaeogeography of North East Scotland and the Northern North Sea (Industry commissioned research)
Commissioned reports
Commissioned reports – available from the NERC Open Research Archive
Key papers
- Palamakumbura, R, Krabbendam, M, Whitbread, K, and Arnhardt, C. 2020. Data acquisition by digitizing 2-D fracture networks and topographic lineaments in geographic information systems: further development and applications. Solid Earth, 11 (5). 1731-1746.
- Whitbread K, Kessler H, Kearsey K, and Terrington R. 2019. 3D Geoscience for the UK and Beyond; Chapter 25 in 2019 Synopsis of current three-dimensional geological mapping and modelling in Geological Survey Organisations, K E MacCormack, R C Berg, H Kessler, H A J Russell, L H Thorleifson (ed.). Alberta Energy Regulator / Alberta Geological Survey, AER/AGS Special Report 112, p 266-277.
- Kearsey, T I, Whitbread, K, Arkley, S L B, Finlayson, A, Monaghan, A A, McLean, W S, Terrington, R L, Callaghan, E, Millward, D, and Campbell, S D G. 2019. Creation and delivery of a complex 3D geological survey for the Glasgow area and its application to urban geology. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 108(2-3), 123-140.
- Kearsey, T I, Millward, D, Ellen, R, Whitbread, K, and Monaghan, A A. 2018. Revised stratigraphic framework of pre-Westphalian Carboniferous petroleum system elements from the Outer Moray Firth to the Silverpit Basin, North Sea, UK. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 471.
- Whitbread, K, Jansen, J, Bishop, P, and Attal, M. 2015. Substrate, slope and sediment controls on bedrock channel geometry in postglacial streams. Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface.
- Whitbread, K. 2012. Postglacial evolution of bedrock rivers in post-orogenic terrains: the NW Scottish Highlands. Unpublished PhD thesis, University of Glasgow.
- Finlayson, A, Merritt, J, Browne, M, Merritt, J, McMillan, A, and Whitbread, K. 2010. Ice sheet advance, dynamics, and decay configurations : evidence from West Central Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 29 (7-8). 969-988.
Selected reports
- Whitbread K, and Ritchie C. 2018. Regional Geological Visualisation Models. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/18/046. 13pp.
- Whitbread, K. 2015. Geological sites in the Clyde and Avon Valleys: assessment for the Shaping Our Landscape Trail. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/15/128. 53 pp.
- Whitbread, K, Ellen, R, Callaghan, E, Gordon, J E, and Arkley, S. 2015. East Lothian geodiversity audit. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/14/063, 191pp.
- Monaghan, A, Arkley, S, Whitbread, K, McCormac, M, and Lawrence, D J D. 2014. Clyde superficial deposits and bedrock models released to the ASK Network 2013: a guide for users. Version 3. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/14/013, 31pp.
- Whitbread, K, and Arkley, S. 2013. A Geodiversity Audit of the City of Glasgow. British Geological Survey Commercial Report, CR/13/022. 128pp.
- Quaternary geology and fluvial geomorphology
- Quantitative geomorphology and data analytics
- ArcGIS, 3D geological modelling and digital mapping
- Geological surveying (superficial deposits and bedrock)
- Geodiversity and geoheritage auditing
- Geoscience communication