Evi Petavratzi

Dr Evi Petavratzi

Senior mineral commodity geologist
BGS Keyworth

Evi Petavratzi’s Biography

  • 2012 – ongoing : Senior Mineral Commodity Geologist, British Geological Survey
  • 2007 –2012 : Senior Consultant, URS Corporation
  • 2006 –2007 : Research Fellow, School of Civil Engineering, University of Leeds
  • 2002 –2006 : Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), School of Chemical, Environmental and Mining Engineering, University of Nottingham
  • 2000 –2001 : Master of Science (MSc) in Industrial Rocks and Minerals, Camborne School of Mines, University of Exeter
  • 1994 –2000 : Mineral Resources Engineering Degree (honours), Department of Mineral Resources Engineering, Technical University of Crete, Greece

Research interests

  • Benchmarking environmental impacts across the life cycle of commodities
  • Enhancing data availability on mineral commodities and the transformation of data into information and knowledge
  • Mineral waste – characterisation and utilisation
  • Resource efficiency and circular economy. Understanding the interactions, commonalities and differences of the primary and secondary raw materials sectors and how they can co-exist and assist in moving towards resource efficiency.
  • Tracking material flows and understanding the value chains of mineral commodities.

Key Papers

  • Gunn, A G, and Petavratzi, E. 2018. Battery Raw MaterialsBriefing note. BGS.
  • Bloodworth, A J, Gunn, A G, and Petravatzi, E. 2017. Mining and Resource Recovery. In: From waste to resource productivity: evidence and case studies, 95-108. Report of the Government Chief Scientific Adviser. Government Office for Science and Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.
  • Machacek, E, Falck, E W, Delfini, C, Erdmann, L, Petavratzi, E, van der Voet, E, and Cassard D. 2017. Clearing the sky from the clouds – The Mineral Intelligence Capacity Analysis (MICA) projectEuropean Geologist Journal 44.
  • Leal-Ayala, D R, Allwood, J M, Petavratzi, E, Brown, T J, and Gunn, G. 2015. Mapping the global flow of tungsten to identify key material efficiency and supply security opportunities. Resource, Conservation and Recycling.
  • Shaw, R A, Petavratzi, E, and Bloodworth, A J. 2013. Resource recovery from mine waste. In: Hester, R E, and Harrison, R M, (eds.) Waste as a resource. Royal Society of Chemistry, 44-65. How to write a successful CV, New Associated Publishers, London, 2002.
  • Petavratzi, E. 2008. The utilisation of alternative materials in construction products. Construction materials for a changing world. Materials Congress 2008. Grantham.
  • Kingman, S W, Lowndes, I S, Petavratzi, E, and Whittles, D N. 2008. An investigation into the mechanism of dust generation in a tumbling mill. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Tunnelling Technology, 14(2), 77-102.
  • Petavratzi, E. 2007. Sustainable utilisation of quarry by-products. Theme 2 – Sustainable provision of aggregates. The Aggregate Levy Sustainability Fund (ALSF) research programme.
  • Petavratzi, E, Kingman, S W, and Lowndes, I S. 2007. Assessment of the dustiness and the dust liberation mechanisms of limestone quarry operations. Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification, 46(12), 1412-1423.
  • Petavratzi E. 2006. An assessment of dust generation from ores. PhD Thesis. University of Nottingham. Nottingham.
  • Petavratzi, E, Kingman, S W, and Lowndes, I S. 2005. Particulates from mining operations: A review of sources, effects and regulations. Minerals Engineering, 18(12), 1183-1199.
  • Petavratzi, E, Scott, P W, and Christidis, G C. 2003. Evaluation of Kimmeria and Kalamou wollastonite deposit, Thrace, Northern Greece. 7th Biennial SGA Meeting. Athens
  • Christidis, G, Kosiari, S, and Petavratzi, E. 2001. Acid activation and bleaching capacity of bentonites from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus. 3rd International Symposium on Activated Clays (ISAC). A CLAY ODYSSEY. Argentina: Elsevier Science.

Published Outputs

  • Bide,T, Bleischwitz, R, Brown, T, Domenech, T, Flachenecker, F, Fleming, F, Kirkwood, C, van Oers, L, Petavratzi, E, Shaw, R, and van der Voet, E. 2017. Factsheets of Methods for Raw Materials Intelligence. Deliverable 4.1. MICA project
  • Deetman, S, Mancheri, N, Tukker, A, Brown, T J, Petavratzi, E, and Tercero Espinoza, L. 2017. Report on the current use of critical raw materials. Deliverable 2.1, SCRREEN project.
  • Deloitte Sustainability, British Geological Survey, Bureau de Récherches Géologiques et Minières and Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research. 2017. Study on the review of the list of Critical Raw Materials. For European Commission, DG for Internal Market, Industry Entrepreneurship and SMEs.
  • Hamilton, H A, Müller, D, van der Voet, E, van Oers, L, Kuipers, K, Verboon, M, Tercero, L, Guyonnet, D, Huele, R, Petavratzi, E, Winning, M, Calzadilla, A, Bleischwitz, R, and Nechifor, V. 2017. Case Studies. Deliverable D4.3. MICA project.
  • Petavratzi, E. 2017. Transforming data and information into knowledge within the MICA project. Deliverable 3.3, MICA project, pp.24
  • Petavratzi, E. and Brown, T.J. 2017. Final inventory of data on raw materials. Deliverable 3.2, MICA project, pp.37
  • Van der Voet, E, Petavratzi, E, van Oers, L, and Gunn, G. 2017. Integrating data, methods and expert knowledge to inform mineral intelligence. Combined Deliverable 3.4 and 4.4, MICA project, pp.48
  • Parker, D, Petavratzi, E, Mankelow, J, Waugh, K, Bertrand, G. 2015. Minventory: EU raw materials statistics on resources and reserves. Minventory final report.
  • Edwards, J, Petavratzi, E, Robinson, L, and Toplis, C. 2012. Good Practice Guide: Using PAS 100 compost in landscape and regeneration projects. Guidance document. WRAP.
  • Petavratzi, E, Robinson, L, and Edwards, J. 2011. Severe Weather Policy Support – Alternative materials for extreme cold conditions. HCG-HRG. Task 357(1308)MOTT. Highways Agency.
  • Petavratzi, E, Robinson, L, and Edwards, J. 2011. Severe Weather Policy Support – GPS controlled salt spreading evaluation. HCG-HRG. Task 357(1308)MOTT. Highways Agency.


  • Materials research: characterisation of minerals and metals (primary and secondary commodities) using a range of analytical techniques; mineral processing-practices and optimisation; construction materials
  • Sustainable commodities research: material flow analysis; life cycle assessment; resource efficiency
  • Tools and Apps: development of decision tools; database management


Professional associations

  • 2006 – ongoing : Chartered Member of the Chartered Institute of Waste Management (MCIWM)
  • 2004 – ongoing : Member and accredited engineer of the Technical Chamber of Greece
  • 2002 – ongoing : Member of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (IOM3)


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