The Geological Survey of Northern Ireland (GSNI) is an office of the Department for the Economy (DfE) in Northern Ireland staffed by scientists of the BGS. GSNI provides professional, technical and scientific research, data services and archive management to inform the development of NI’s economy and to help protect its environment.

The Giant’s Causeway. BGS © UKRI.
GSNI is based at Adelaide House in Belfast City Centre, where it runs an enquiry service and shop; it also manages a national core store and sample repository at Duncrue Industrial Estate.
GSNI scientists provide data, information and advice to support the legislative responsibilities and strategic priorities of DfE, other NI government departments and local councils.
GSNI also collaborates on geoscience research with the BGS, the Geological Survey of Ireland and over 35 universities globally. GSNI actively engages and works with all parts of civic society, including central and local government, industry, academia, community organisations, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), schools and the general public.
GSNI’s datasets are available on Open Data NI and Spatial NI. GSNI also hosts information on geology, engineering geology, minerals, borehole data and site records, mines, quarries and pits, airborne geophysics, soils and water geochemistry on GeoIndex.
Our research
The director, supported by GSNI’s senior leadership team and two business assistants, is responsible for the governance and administration of GSNI, including:
- financial monitoring and reporting on the delivery of GSNI’s work programmes
- the strategic development of the organisation in consultation with GSNI’s Science Advisory Committee and its stakeholders
- leadership, communication and supporting the continued professional development of GSNI staff
For more information please contact the GSNI office.
The energy, minerals and waste (EMW) team provides advice and support to DfE on resources and energy-related issues, including oil and gas exploration, geothermal energy and underground energy storage. The EMW team also provides geoscientific advice and support on the economic development of natural resources and assists the minerals branch of DfE with minerals licensing. The team contributes to policy development for minerals and energy.
If you want to discover more then please contact Rob Raine.
The information and infrastructure (II) team provides geological information through the enquiries service to external customers and stakeholders, ensuring that GSNI’s data is collated, managed and distributed effectively and responding to planning consultations through the local council and regional planning process. The II team is also responsible for the monitoring of Northern Ireland’s abandoned mines, many of which are vested in DfE, and contributes to the development of geological tourism and education resources.
If you want to discover more then please contact Kirstin Lemon.
The geology and groundwater (GGW) team provides information on the extent, thickness and properties of geological materials, primarily in the form of bedrock and superficial geological mapping. The GGW team also provides information and advice on groundwater resources in Northern Ireland and contributes to groundwater monitoring.
If you want to discover more then please contact Mark Cooper.