Regional geochemistry atlases

BGS Research — Applied geochemistry

The principal hard copy product of the G-BASE project is a series of regional geochemical atlases. These atlases provide systematic information on the geochemistry of the surface environment across regions of Great Britain, based on data generated by G-BASE.

The principal aims of this atlas series were to identify new mineral resources and to provide quantitative information on the concentrations of inorganic chemical elements in stream sediment, stream water and soil for environmental management and protection. In the first seven volumes, published from 1978 onwards, the account of the regional geochemistry is based on the point-source data plotted on geological maps at a scale of 1:250 000. Subsequent volumes are in a new format and based on interpolated maps of the geochemical data.

The majority of atlases are for stream sediment, with data on stream water and soil included when available. Separate stream sediment/soil and stream water atlases have been published for Wales.

Sampling and analytical methodologies are described in detail and each element is presented as a gridded image classified and coloured by percentile classes. The general geochemical behaviour of each element is described with a specific comment on its surface environment geochemistry and a detailed description of the element distribution.

The atlases include a concise account of the regional geology and an outline of the simplified geology is included on each image. Results are interpreted in the context of other data such as mineral occurrences and land use. Thematic studies are presented in each atlas, often based on multi-element, three-component images.

The index map for geochemical atlas areas shows more detail on the extent of each region.

Index map for the geochemical atlas areas

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The regional geochemical atlases can also be purchased through the BGS shop.

Regional geochemical atlas: Great Glen (1987)

British Geological Survey; Great Britain. Dept. of Industry; British Geological Survey. Geochemistry Directorate; British Geological Survey. Information and Central Services Directorate; British Geological Survey. Highlands and Islands Unit.

ISBN: 0852720858

Regional geochemical atlas: Argyll (1990)

British Geological Survey; Great Britain. Dept. of Industry; British Geological Survey. Geochemistry and Hydrogeology directorate; British Geological Survey. Information and Marketing directorate.

ISBN: X780673726

Regional geochemical atlas: The Hebrides (1983)

Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Geochemical Division; Great Britain. Minerals, Metals Extraction and Reclamation Executive Committee; Natural Environment Research Council (Great Britain). Experimental Cartography Unit; Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Highlands and Islands Unit.

ISBN: 0852720785

Regional geochemical atlas: Shetland (1978)

Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Geochemical Division; Great Britain. Chemicals and Minerals Requirements Board; Natural Environment Research Council (Great Britain). Experimental Cartography Unit; Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Highlands and Islands Unit.

ISBN: X780673742

Regional geochemical atlas: south Orkney and Caithness (1979)

Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Geochemical Division; Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Geochemical Division; Natural Environment Research Council (Great Britain). Experimental Cartography Unit; Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Highlands and Islands Unit; Chemicals and Minerals Requirements Board.

ISBN: 0852720645

Regional geochemical atlas: Orkney (1978)

Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Geochemical Division; Great Britain. Dept. of Industry; Natural Environment Research Council (Great Britain). Experimental Cartography Unit; Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Highlands and Islands Unit.

ISBN: X780673734

Regional geochemical atlas: Sutherland (1982)

Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Geochemical Division; Institute of Geological Sciences (Great Britain). Highlands and Islands Unit; Natural Environment Research Council (Great Britain). Experimental Cartography Unit; Chemicals and Minerals Requirements Board.

ISBN: 0852720688

Regional geochemistry of the Lake District and adjacent areas (1992)

British Geological Survey; Young, B R, Millward, D, and Cooper, A H; British Geological Survey. Minerals and Geochemical Surveys Division; British Geological Survey. Analytical Geochemistry Group; British Geological Survey. Central and Southern Scotland and Cumbria Group.

ISBN: 0852722257

Regional geochemistry of southern Scotland and part of northern England (1993)

British Geological Survey; British Geological Survey. Minerals and Geochemical Surveys Division; British Geological Survey. Analytical Geochemistry Group; British Geological Survey. Central and Southern Scotland and Cumbria Group.

ISBN: 085272229X

Regional geochemistry of north-east England (1996)

British Geological Survey; British Geological Survey. Minerals and Geochemical Surveys Division; British Geological Survey. Analytical Geochemistry Group; British Geological Survey. Central England and Wales Group; British Geological Survey. Scottish Lowlands and Northern England Group.

ISBN: 0852722559

Regional geochemistry of the east Grampians area (1992)

British Geological Survey; British Geological Survey. Minerals and Geochemical Surveys Division; British Geological Survey. Highlands and Islands Unit; British Geological Survey. Central and Southern Scotland and Cumbria Group.

ISBN: 0852721986

Regional geochemistry of parts of north-west England and North Wales (1997)

British Geological Survey; British Geological Survey. Central England and Wales Group.

ISBN: 0852723075

Regional geochemistry of Wales and part of west-central England: stream sediment and soil (2000)

British Geological Survey; British Geological Survey. Central England and Wales Group.

ISBN: 0852723784

Regional geochemistry of Wales and part of west-central England: stream water (2000)

British Geological Survey; British Geological Survey. Central England and Wales Group.

ISBN: 0852723636

A Guide to the Tellus dataset

Young, M, and Donald, A (editors). 2013. Geological Survey of Northern Ireland, Belfast.

ISBN: 978-0-85272-762-1

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