Application programming interfaces (APIs)

BGS Technologies — Web services and APIs

BGS is working to improve access to our data and offer services to benefit stakeholders through application programming interfaces (APIs). Where possible we describe services using OpenAPI specifications, and utilise Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) API standards, such as Web Map Service (WMS), Web Feature Service (WFS), Catalogue Service (CSW), the more recent OGC API suite and SensorThingsAPI

Fair use policy

To maintain the availability and performance of our web services and applications for all our stakeholders, and minimise digital carbon footprint, we urge all developers to use our open APIs with consideration.

We monitor usage and reserve the right to apply rate limiting of requests. 

If an end user creates an excessive load on the API, to the detriment of the service for others, BGS reserves the right to block access from identified IP addresses. 

The APIs are not intended to be used for bulk download of the entire dataset.

Available APIs

AGS utilities tool

The AGS utilities tool offers schema validation, data validation and conversion of geotechnical AGS files. The API is publicly available for use in stakeholders’ own analysis, processing or software.

API definition

Sensor data

This service provides an application programming interface (API) for data scientists, software developers and software applications to query and download BGS-hosted sensor data in machine-readable JSON format.

The API is powered by FROST Server and conforms to the OGC SensorThingsAPI specification.

API definition

OpenGeoscience data

This service provides an application programming interface (API) for data scientists, software developers and software applications to query and download a selection of BGS OpenGeoscience  data which is available under Open Government Licence in machine-readable JSON format using the OGCAPI standards.

This data can also be accessed directly via ESRI Arc Pro or QGIS. The OGC maintains a complete list of OGCAPI-features clients

API definition

Terms of use

These data are delivered under the terms of the Open Government Licence, subject to the following acknowledgement accompanying the reproduced BGS materials: ‘Contains British Geological Survey materials © UKRI [YEAR]. Contact us if you create something new and innovative that could benefit others.

BGS provides no warranty as to the quality, accuracy, completeness of this data or services as provided. This includes any warranty as to the continued provision of material/services or that the material taken from this site is compatible with your computer system and/or any other data with which the material is to be used.

Please be aware that BGS may make changes to this service. Please contact us if you have any feedback.

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Web services and APIs

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