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21 results for "uk geoenergy observatories"

Unlocking our geothermal potential: a Scottish Government visit to the Glasgow Observatory
Gillian Martin MSP visits the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow to learn about geothermal energy and see the research being carried out at the facility.

New underground observatory open for research
Construction has been completed on the Cheshire Observatory and the facility is now open for research activities.

UK Geoenergy Observatories — open events in Glasgow
You are invited to visit the UK Geoenergy Observatory in Glasgow, to find out more about what the facility can offer you as a potential user.

UK Geoenergy Observatories: time zero for net zero
The BGS-led UK Geoenergy Observatories project is shining a light on the subsurface’s potential to provide geothermal energy.

BGS joins European Geothermal Congress to highlight UK’s geothermal potential
The European Geothermal Congress will discuss how the geothermal sector can help with the energy crisis.

Clean Energy Beneath Our Feet launches at Glasgow Science Centre
A new interactive exhibition has launched at Glasgow Science Centre, inspired by the work of the UK Geoenergy Observatories.

UK set for groundbreaking underground observatory in Cheshire
The UK Geoenergy Observatories project will deliver a second underground observatory for the UK after it was granted planning permission on Wednesday 9 February.

Prof Dame Ottoline Leyser visits Glasgow underground observatory
The Glasgow Observatory provides unprecedented access to the subsurface and will fill in the knowledge gaps around geothermal energy.