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16 results for "mines and mining"

How can Scotland re-establish its building stone industry?
British Geological Survey research, commissioned by Historic Environment Scotland, reveals an opportunity to re-establish the Scottish building stone market in order to maintain the country’s historic buildings.

Linking geochemistry and health in artisanal and small-scale gold mining in the Kakamega-Vihiga gold belt, Kenya
PhD candidate Maureene Auma Ondayo is investigating major and trace element exposure in the environment in Kenya, aiming to reduce exposure of humans to toxic chemicals.

Collaboration, progress and emerging themes in mine-water heating, cooling and storage
BGS, the Coal Authority and IEA Geothermal held the third Mine Water Energy Symposium to enhance collaboration and knowledge exchange around the world.

Report identifies areas of the UK prospective for critical raw materials
Areas from the Highlands to south-west England have the right geology to be prospective for several critical raw materials such as lithium and graphite, according to a new report.

BGS joins European Geothermal Congress to highlight UK’s geothermal potential
The European Geothermal Congress will discuss how the geothermal sector can help with the energy crisis.

Zambia: the copper mining powerhouse looking towards a safer, low-carbon future
BGS scientists Clive Mitchell (industrial minerals geologist) and Elliott Hamilton (environmental chemist) report on their recent visit to the Copperbelt Province in Zambia.

New 3D model will help guide exploration for rare earth element deposits in alkaline igneous systems
A team of scientists and institutions across Europe have developed a new 3D geological model designed to guide exploration for rare earth elements.

Mining hazard data (not including coal) from BGS
Great Britain has over 250 000 documented mining sites and the underground voids resulting from past mining activity pose a possible hazard. Knowledge of the distribution of former mining areas will help us to plan for future development and ongoing maintenance.