Joanna Wragg’s Biography
- 2014 – ongoing : Senior Scientist: Medical Geology (Environmental Monitoring) BGS Medical Geology
- 2013 –2014 : Team Leader: Geochemical Baselines & Medical Geology
- 2006 : Alan Ure Bursary winner, RSC
- 2006 –2007 : Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Environmental Sciences Group, Royal Military College of Canada
- 2003 – ongoing : Research Scientist, BGS
- 2000 –2005 : PhD Nottingham University, “A study of the relationship between arsenic bioaccessibility and its solid phase distribution in Wellingborough soils”.
- 1995 : Analytical Chemist, BGS, Nottingham
- 1994 : BSc (Hons) University of Central Lancashire, Applied Chemistry
- 1993 : HND University of Central Lancashire, Chemistry
ORCID: 0000-0003-0011-6
Research interests
- Contaminant fate and transport in relation to contaminated land, human health, geodisposal and climate change
- Effects of climate change on soil contaminant Fate & Transport
- Geodisposal of radioactive waste and carbon capture and storage
- Human exposure from contaminated soils related to socio-impacts
- Medical Geology: Investigating relationships between natural geological features and human health on a regional basis
- Rare Earth Elements (REE) and human health
- Volcanic Emissions and Human Health
Current projects and collaborations
- Development of robust inhalation bioaccessibility methods for the assessment of human health risks associated with land contamination
- Geohazards related to changes in the urban environment
- Potentially Harmful Element (PHE) distribution, bioaccessibility and measures of health deprivation
- Science co-ordination of the NERC thematic Radioactivity and The Environment (RATE) programme NERC Radioactivity and The Environment (RATE)]
NERC Open Research Archive — Dr Joanna Wragg
Key papers
- Wragg, J, Broadway, A, Cave, M R, Fordyce, F M, Palumbo-Roe, B, Beriro, D J, Farmer, J G, Graham, M C, Ngwenya, B T, and Bewley, R J F. 2019. Linkage between solid phase apportionment and bioaccessible arsenic, chromium and lead from Glasgow, Scotland, UK. 108 (2-3), 217-230
- Wragg, J, Cave, M, Hamilton, E, and Lister, T. 2018. The link between soil geochemistry in South-West England and human exposure to soil arsenic. Minerals, 8 (12), 570
- Cave, M R, Wragg, J, Beriro, D J, Vane, C, Thomas, R, Riding, M, and Taylor, C. 2018. An overview of research and development themes in the measurement and occurrences of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in dusts and particulates. Journal of Hazardous Materials.
- Cave, M, Wragg, J, Lister, R. 2018. The effect of lead in soil on crime deprivation in Derby, Leicester and Nottingham. Applied Geochemistry, 88, 198-212
- Lead and zinc concentrations in household dust and toenails of the residents (Estarreja, Portugal): a source-pathway-fate model. 2018. Reis, A P M, Cave, M, Sousa, A J, Wragg, J, Rangel, A R, Oliveira, A R, Patinha, C, Rocha, F, Orsiere, T and Noack, Y. Environmental Science: Process and Impacts, 20(9), 1210-1224
- Measuring the Bioaccessibility, Bioaccessibility and Chemical Form of Lead in Old Dutch Town Soils. 2018. Cave, M, Wragg, J, Bakker, M, Chenery, S, Gowing, C and Gardner, A. 2018. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, 20, 1557
- Pelfrene, A, Cave, M, Wragg, J, Douay, F. 2017. In vitro investigations of human bioaccessibility from reference materials using simulated lung fluids. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 14 (2), 112
- Cave, M, Vane, C.H, Kim, A, Moss-Hayes, V.L, Wragg, J, Richardson, C.L, Harrison, H, Nathanail, C.P, Thomas, R and Wills, G. 2015. Measurement and modelling of the ingestion bioaccessibility of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in soils. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 35-45
- Palmer, S, McIlwaine, R, Ofterdinger, U, Cox, S F, McKinley, J M, Doherty, R, Wragg, J and Cave, M. 2015. The effects of lead sources on oral bioaccessibility in soil and implications for contaminated land risk management. Env Pollution, 198, 161-171
- Reis, A P, Costa, S, Santos, I, Patinha, C, Noack, Y, Wragg, J, Cave, M and Sousa, A.J. 2015 Investigating relationships between biomarkers of exposure and environmental copper and manganese levels in house dusts from a Portuguese industrial city.Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 37 (4). 725-744. 10.1007/s10653-015-9724-x
- Cave, M, Wragg, J, Gowing, C and Gardner, A. 2014. Measuring the solid-phase fractionation of lead in urban and rural soils using a combination of geochemical survey data and chemical extractions. Environ Geochem Health, DOI 10.1007/s10653-015-9697-9
- Wragg, J, Cave, M, and Gregory, S. 2014. The Solid Phase Distribution and Bioaccessibility of Arsenic, Chromium, and Nickel in Natural Ironstone Soils in the UK. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, vol. 2014, Article ID 924891, 12 pages, 2014. doi:10.1155/2014/924891.
- Abrahams, P W, Davies, T C, Solomon, A O, Trow, A J and Wragg, J. 2013. Human geophagia, calabash chalk and undongo: mineral element nutritional implications. PLoS ONE. 01/2013 8(1):e53304
- Cave, M R., Wragg, J and Harrison, H. 2013. Measurement Modelling and Mapping of Arsenic Bioaccessibility in Northampton, UK. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A. Vol.49, No.6 , 2013
- Cox, S F, Chelliah, C M, McKinley, J, Palmer, S, Ofterdinger, U, Young, M E, Cave, M R and Wragg, J. 2013. The importance of solid-phase distribution on the oral bioaccessibility of Ni and Cr in soils overlying Palaeogene basalt lavas, Northern Ireland. Environmental Geochemistry and Health
- Palumbo-Roe, B, Wragg, J and Cave, M. 2013. Importance of the weathering product assemblage in affecting Pb bioaccessibility in mine waste from the Central Wales orefield, UK: first screening level tool of abandoned mine sites for human impact assessments. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20 (11) 7699-7710
- Rawlins, B G, Wragg, J & Lark, R M. 2013. Application of a novel method for soil aggregate stability measurement by laser granulometry with sonication. European Journal of Soil Science, 64, 92-103.
- Reis, A P, Patinha, C, Wragg, J, Dias, A C, Cave, M, Sousa, A J, Batista, M J Prazeres, C, Costa, C, Ferreira da Silva, E and Rocha, F. 2013. Urban geochemistry of lead in gardens, playgrounds and schoolyards of Lisbon, Portugal: assessing exposure and risk to human health.
- Wragg, J, Harrison, H, West, J M and Yoshikawa, H. 2012. Comparison of microbiological influences on the transport properties of intact mudstone and sandstone and its relevance to the geological disposal of radioactive waste. Mineralogical Magazine, 76 (8), 387-396.
- Wragg, J., West, J. M. and Bateman, K. 2013. Potential impact of CO2 on subsurface microbial ecosystems and implications for the performance of storage reservoirs. Energy Procedia, 37, 800-805.
- Appleton, J D, Cave, M R and Wragg, J. 2012. Modelling lead bioaccessibility in urban topsoils based on data from Glasgow, London, Northampton and Swansea, UK. Environmental Pollution, 171, 265-272
- Appleton, J.D., Cave, M.R. and Wragg, J. 2012. Anthropogenic and geogenic impacts on arsenic bioaccessibility in UK topsoils. Science of the Total Environment 435-436, pp. 21-29
- Barsby, A, McKinley, J M, Ofterdinger, U, Young, M, Cave, M R and Wragg, J. 2012. Bioaccessibility of trace elements in soils in Northern Ireland. Science of the Total Environment, 433, 398-417
- Denys, S, Caboche, J, Tack, K, Rychen, G, Wragg, J, Cave, M R, Jondreville, C and Feidt, C. 2012 In vivo Validation of the Unified BARGE Method to assess the Bioaccessibility of Arsenic Antimony, Cadmium and Lead in soils. Environmental Science & Technology, 46 (11) 6252-6260.
- Lorenzi, D, Entwistle, J, Cave, M R and Wragg, J. 2012. The application of an in vitro gastrointestinal extraction to assess the oral bioaccessibility of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils from a former industrial site, Analytica Chimica Acta, 735, 54-61
- Palumbo-Roe, B., Wragg, J. and Banks, V. 2012. Lead mobilisation in the hyporheic zone and river bank sediments of a contaminated stream: contribution to diffuse pollution. Journal of Soils and Sediments. International Symposium on the Interactions between Sediments and Water (DOI: 10.1007/s11368-012-0552-7)
- Wragg, J. and Cave, M. R. 2012. Assessment of a Geochemical Extraction Procedure to determine the Solid Phase Distribution and Bioaccessibility of Potentially Harmful Elements is Soils: A case study using the NIST 2710 reference soil. Analytica Chimica Acta, 722, 43-54
- Cave, M R, Wragg, J, Harrison, I, Vane, C H, Van De Wiele, T, De Groeve, E, Nathanail, C P, Ashmore, M, Thomas, R, Robinson, J and Daley, P. 2010. A comparison of a batch mode and dynamic bioaccessibility tests for PAHs in soil samples (ES&T, 44 (7) 2654-2660 (DOI: 10.1021/es903258v )
- Cave, M R, Wragg, J, Denys, S, Jondreville, C, and Feidt, C. 2009. Oral Bioavailability in Dealing with Contaminated Sites (From Theory towards Practical Application), Springer, Ed Frank Swarjtes (in press)
- Wragg, J and Klinck, B A. 2007. The Bioaccessibility of Lead from Welsh Mine Waste using a Respiratory Uptake Test. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, Vol. 42 (9), 1223-1232
- Wragg, J, Cave, M R, and Nathanail, C.P. 2007. A study of the relationship between arsenic bioaccessibility and its solid phase distribution in Wellingborough soils. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A-Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, Vol. 42 (9), 1303-1316
- Bioaccessibility method development
- Environmental Geochemistry and Health
- Inorganic analytical geochemistry
- International collaborative networks
- Project management
- Project/network co-ordination
Professional associations
- International Medical Geology Association (IMGA)
- Chartered Chemist Chartered Scientist
- Member of Royal Society of Chemistry
- Secretary (2005) and member (2000) of the Bioaccessibility Research Group of Europe (BARGE)