Ceri Vincent’s Biography
- 1996 – University of Leeds, MSci Geophysics
Research interests
- 2000 – ongoing : Assess potential for geological storage of CO2 through seismic interpretation and geological modelling. Characterisation of potential storage sites at a range of scales (basin to reservoir)
- 2000 – ongoing : Geological storage potential in the UK, China and South Africa
- 2000 – ongoing : Modeling of the burial, thermal and maturation histories of sedimentary basins
Key papers
Wang, S., Vincent, C J. Stephenson, M H and Zeng, R. 2014. Assessment of storage capacity for CO2 in saline aquifers near hydrocarbon fields, northern Songliao Basin, China. Greenhouse gases: science and technology, v. 3, p.1-18. DOI: 10.1002/ghg.1398
Vincent, C J., Hicks, N., Arenstein, G., Tippmann, R., van der Spuy, D., Viljoen, J., Davids, S., Roos, M., Cloete, M., Beck, B., Nell, L., Arts, R., Holloway, S., Surridge, T., Pearce, J. 2013 The proposed CO2 Test Injection Project in South Africa. Energy Procedia, v.37, p.6489-6501. 10.1016/j.egypro.2013.06.579
Zeng, R S., Vincent, C J., Tian, XY., Stephenson, M K., Wang, S, Xu, W D. 2013 New potential carbon emission reduction enterprises in China: deep geological storage of CO2 emitted through industrial usage of coal in China, Greenhouse gases: science and technology. v3 (2), p106-115. 10.1002/ghg.1314
Vincent, C J, Zeng, R, Chen, W, Ding, G, Li, M, Dai, S, and Poulsen, N E. 2011. A geological storage option for CO2 in the Bohaiwan Basin, East China? Energy Procedia, Volume 4, 2011, pages 4641-4647
Vincent, C J, Rowley W J, and Monaghan, A A. 2010. Thermal and burial history modelling in the Midlothian-Leven Syncline in the Midland Valley of Scotland using BasinMod and HotPot. Scottish Journal of Geology, volume 46 (2), pages 125-142
Boards and committees
2015 – ongoing: Science lead for GeoEnergy Test Bed
2015 – Chair of CO2GeoNet Executive Committee