Stephen Thorpe’s Biography
- 2008 – ongoing : Currently: Spatial data manager for a number of high profile 3D geological modelling projects (commercial and science budget funded). Active stakeholder engagement profile particularly in the sharing of data, the use of BGS data in the wider stakeholder environment and ensuring that knowledge of BGS data well-communicated to reduce risk and uncertainty. Understanding of most major 3D modelling software and GIS products.
- 2008 – ongoing : Manager of BGS Onshore Shallow Drilling Facility
- 2005 –2008 : Early career: worked with BGS datasets (e.g. boreholes, digital map data, 3D modelling software) and have a good depth of knowledge of the baseline data.
- 1994 –1997 : BSc (Hons) Geography: University of Luton
Current projects and collaborations
- 2005 – ongoing : Many 3D modelling projects aimed at decision-making, planning, resource estimation, water monitoring and/or general geological understanding for example the National Geological Model
- 2017 –2018 : Cambridge University secondment
- 2011 – ongoing : Co-manager of metadata approval team for all 3D geological model
- 2014 – ongoing : Working towards outputting our model data using Minecraft and Lego BGS Geology with Minecraft
- Regional Geological Visualisation 3D Models A series of 3DPDF documents containing 3D models describing the broad-scale geology of each Region of England and Wales.
- NORA publication list for Stephen Thorpe
- BGS Drilling Facility
- BGS Geology within Minecraft
Key papers
- Terrington, R L, Silva, E C N, Waters, C N, Smith, H, and Thorpe, S. 2018. Quantifying anthropogenic modification of the shallow geosphere in central London, UK. Geomorphology, 319. 15-34.
- Gunn, D, Williams, G, Kessler, H, and Thorpe, S. 2015 Rayleigh wave propagation assessment for transport corridors. Proceedings of the ICE – Transport, 168 (6). 487-498.
- Mathers, S J, Terrington, R L, Waters, C N, Leslie, A G. 2014. GB3D: a framework for the bedrock geology of Great Britain. Geoscience Data Journal, 1 (1). 30-42.
- Mathers, S J, Burke, H F, Terrington, R L, Thorpe, S, Dearden, R A, Williamson, J P, Ford, J R. 2014. A geological model of London and the Thames Valley, southeast England Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, 125 (4). 373-382. PGA Online
- Lark, R M, Thorpe, S, Kessler, H, Mathers, S J. 2014. Interpretative modelling of a geological cross section from boreholes: sources of uncertainty and their quantification. Solid Earth, 5 (2). 1189-1203
- Terrington, R L, Thorpe, S, Burke, H F, Smith, H, Price, S J. 2015. Enhanced mapping of artificially modified ground in urban areas : using borehole, map and remotely sensed data. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 38pp. (OR/15/010)
- 3D geological modelling
- Data interrogation, manipulation, transformation and dissemination
- Drilling fieldwork and managing a drilling program
- Groundhog Desktop GSIS
- GSI3D (Geological Surveying in 3D)
- FME (Feature Manipulation Engine)
- 2018 : HoleBase SI and Civils 3D
- GoCad
- 2018 : Leapfrog (general understanding and use)