Margaret Stewart

Dr Margaret Stewart

Senior geoscientist
BGS Edinburgh

Dr Margaret Stewart is a senior geologist at BGS working across themes ranging from Energy Storage to offshore renewable siting, as well as in business development and as part of the management team for the International Ocean Discovery Programme. Her research background is in the glacial history of the North Sea, and she is developing further scientific expertise in the areas of carbon capture and energy storage, with an interest in Energy Policy.

Margaret Stewart’s Biography

  • 2021 – ongoing: MSc Energy Policy, University of Sussex
  • 2021 – ongoing : Senior Geologist – Energy Storage/Decarbonisation and Resource Management. Business Development Manager, Energy.
  • 2019 – 2021: Senior Geologist – Decarbonisation and Resource Management
  • 2017 – 2019: Team Leader – Petroleum Geoscience
  • 2011 – 2017: Marine Geoscientist/Petroleum Geoscientist, BGS
  •  2009 – 2011: Geoscientist, Neftex Petroleum Consultants
  •  2004 – 2008: Phd, Imperial College London
  •  2003 – 2004: MSc, University of Oxford
  •  1999 – 2003: BSc University of Edinburgh

Current projects and collaborations

  • 2019 – ongoing: Co-PI of CENOSTORE virtual site survey work in collaboration with the University of Manchester and Queens University Belfast
  • 2018 – 2021: UK lead on EU-funded GARAH project assessing energy resources in the North Sea including hydrocarbons and alternative use
  • 2015 – 2018: Faroe Shetland Consortium. Principal Investigator Jurassic Tectonostratigraphy
  • Quaternary glacial history of the North Sea
  • Tectono-stratigraphy and igneous evolution of the North Atlantic region (NAGTEC) NAGTEC website

Key papers

Ottesen, D, Stewart, M, Brönner, M and Batchelor, C L. 2020. Tunnel valleys of the central and northern North Sea (56° N to 62° N): Distribution and characteristics. Marine Geology, 425, p.106199.

Walker, F, Schofield, N, Millett, J, Jolley, D, Hole, M and Stewart, M. 2020. Paleogene volcanic rocks in the northern Faroe–Shetland Basin and Møre Marginal High: understanding lava field stratigraphy. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 495.

Sugden, D E, Hall, A M, Phillips, W M and Stewart, M A. 2019. Plucking enhanced beneath ice sheet margins: evidence from the Grampian Mountains, Scotland. Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography101(1), pp.34-44.

Lamb, R M, Harding, R, Huuse, M, Stewart, M and Brocklehurst, S H. 2018. The early Quaternary North Sea Basin. Journal of the Geological Society175(2), pp.275-290.

Lamb, R M, Huuse, M and Stewart, M. 2017. Early Quaternary sedimentary processes and palaeoenvironments in the central North Sea. Journal of Quaternary Science, 32(2), pp.127-144.

Stewart, M A. 2016. Assemblage of buried and seabed tunnel valleys in the central North Sea: from morphology to ice-sheet dynamics. Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms. Edited by Dowdeswell, J A, Canals, M, Jakobsson, M, Todd, B J, Dowdeswell, E K, and Hogan, K A. Geological Society of London, Memoir. 317-320

Stoker, S, Stewart, M A, Shannon, P M, Bjerager, M, Nielsen, T, Blischke, A, Hjelstuen, B O, Gaina, C, McDermott, K and Ólavsdóttir, J. 2016. An Overview of the Upper Paleozoic-Mesozoic stratigraphy of the NE Atlantic Region. In Peron-Pinvidic, G, Hopper, J, Gaina, C, Stoker, M, Doornenbal, H, Funck, T and Arting, U. 2016. ‘The North-East Atlantic region: A reappraisal of crustal structure, tectonostratigraphy and magmatic evolution’. Special Publication, The Geological Society, London.

Kimbell, G S, Stewart, M A, Gradmann, S, Shannon, P M, Funck, T, Haase, C, Stoker, M S and Hopper, J R. 2016. Influences on the siting of compressional deformation on the NW European margin. In Peron-Pinvidic, G, Hopper, J, Gaina, C, Stoker, M, Doornenbal, H, Funck, T and Arting, U. 2016. ‘The North-East Atlantic region: A reappraisal of crustal structure, tectonostratigraphy and magmatic evolution’. Special Publication, The Geological Society, London.

J á Horni, J R, Hopper, U, Árting, A, Blischke, O, Erlendsson, W, Geisler, M, Judge, K, McDermott, and M. Stewart. 2016. Regional Distribution of Volcanism within the North Atlantic Igneous Province. In Peron-Pinvidic, G, Hoppe, J, Gaina, C, Stoker, M, Doornenbal, H, Funck, T and Arting, U. 2016. ‘The North-East Atlantic region: A reappraisal of crustal structure, tectonostratigraphy and magmatic evolution’. Special Publication, The Geological Society, London. Note alphabetical contributing authors.

Stewart, M A. 2014, released publically 2016. Offshore Igneous Seismic Facies. The West Shetland-Hebrides-Northern Rockall Margin. In Hopper, J R, Funck, T, Stoker, M, Arting, U, Peron-Pindivic, G, Doornebal, H, Gaina, C. (Eds) Tectonostratigraphic Atlas of the North-East Atlantic Region. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. Copenhagen, Denmark. Published by the NAGTEC group 2014, publically June 2016. 247-250

Stoker, M, Stewart, M A, and Johnson, H. 2014, released publically in 2016. Tectonostratigraphy. The West Shetland-Hebrides-Northern Rockall Margin. In Hopper, J R, Funck, T, Stoker, M, Arting, U, Peron-Pindivic, G, Doornebal, H, and Gaina, C. (Eds) Tectonostratigraphic Atlas of the North-East Atlantic Region. Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland. Copenhagen, Denmark. Published by the NAGTEC group 2014, released publically June 2016. 156-166.

Stewart, M A, Lonergan, L L, and Hampson, G H. 2013. 3D seismic analysis of buried tunnel valleys in the central North Sea: morphology, cross-cutting generations and glacial history. Quaternary Science Reviews, V. 72, 1-17.

Stewart, M A, Lonergan, L L, and Hampson, G H. 2012. 3D seismic analysis of buried tunnel valleys in the Central North Sea: tunnel valley fill sedimentary architecture. In: M Huuse, J Redfern, D P LeHeron, R J Dixon, A Moscariello and J Craig (Ed). Glaciogenic Reservoirs and Hydrocarbon Systems, Special Publication. The Geological Society, V.368, 173-184.

Stewart, M  A, and Lonergan, L. 2011. Seven glacial cycles in the middle-late Pleistocene of northwest Europe: Geomorphic evidence from buried tunnel valleys. Geology, 39, 283–286.(30+ cited)

Graham, A G C, Stoker, M S, Lonergan, L, Bradwell, T, and Stewart, M A. 2011. Pleistocene Glaciations of the North Sea basin. In: Ehlers J, Gibbard P (Eds). Quaternary Glaciations: Extent and Chronology – “A closer look” (2nd edition). Elsevier, Amsterdam. 261-277.

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