Robert Smith

NERC-BGS Head of Legal and IPR
BGS Keyworth

Robert Smith’s Biography

  • 2022 – ongoing : NERC-BGS Head of Legal and IPR
  • 2005 – 2022 : IPR & Licensing Manager, BGS
  • 2001 –2005 : Trade Mark Assistant, Potter Clarkson LLP
  • 1998 –2001 : Assistant to Head of Trade Marks, The Boots Company plc

Research interests

  • Copyright Law
  • IPR-related Legislation
  • Licensing Models
  • Public Sector Data Policies
  • Trade Marks

Current projects and collaborations


  • Contractual negotiation / Agreement drafting (including attendance at Praxis Unico “Research Contracts” course, 2017)
  • IPR & Licensing Advisory Services
  • Inteum IPR Database Management (including completion of “Inteum Administrator Online Certification” course, 2016).
  • Trade Mark Registration


  • 2009 : MA (with distinction) UK, EC and US Copyright Law, King’s College London
  • 2006 : Qualification as UK Trade Mark Attorney
  • 1990 –1993 : BA (Hons) Economics & Philosophy, University of York

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