Leading the development of a portfolio of geospatial software development projects on mobile, web and desktop platforms within the Informatics Directorate. Leading BGS DevOps movement – implementing new organisational-wide best-practice, systems, processes and architectures
Wayne Shelley’s Biography
- 2015 : Solutions Architect / DevOps Lead, British Geological Survey
- 2011 –2015 : Senior GIS and Mobile Developer, British Geological Survey
- 2008 –2011 : GIS Programmer, British Geological Survey
- 2007 –2008 : GIS Scientist, Health and Safety Laboratory
- 2006 : BSc (First Class Hons), Biology and Physical Geography, Keele University
Research interests
- Mobile application development
- DevOps
- GIS Application Development
- The Internet of Things
- Web GIS Development
- GPS and mobile technologies
- SIGMA mobile field mapping GIS development
- Rossetto T, D’Ayala D, Gori F, Persio R, Han J, Novelli V, … & Shelley W. (2014). The value of multiple earthquake missions: the EEFIT L’Aquila Earthquake experience. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 12(1), 277-305.
- Shelley W, Lawley R, Robinson D.A, (2013) Crowd-sourced soil data for Europe. Nature, 496 (7445). 300. 10.1038/496300d
- Chambers, J.; Goodenough, K.M.; Graham, C.C.; Price, S.J.; Weatherby, A.; Sanders, R.; Perry, F.; Porter, L.; Bloomfield, J.P.; Jordan, C.J.; Laxton, J.L.; Shelley, W.A.; Naden, J.; Watts, M.; Condon, D.; Barkwith, A.K.A.P. (2013) NERC science : future impacts summary report. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/13/037.17pp.
- Pedley R, Shelley W, Bell P, Heaven R, Singh A (2013). iGeology for Android (v4.0) [Mobile application software].
- Pedley R, Shelley W, Myers T, Bell P, (2013). iGeology 3D for Android (v1.03) [Mobile application software]
- Pedley R, Singh A, Shelley W, Lawley R, Montanarella L, Panagos P, Rees G, Robinson D.A, Harrison J, Bell P, (2013). mySoil for Android (v1.0) [Mobile application software]
- Shelley W, Adlam K, Lawrie K, (2013) Global Earthquake Model Direct Observation Tools for Windows (v1.1) [Windows software]
- Shelley W, Talbot J, Lawley R, Montanarella L, Panagos P, Rees G, Robinson D.A, Harrison J, Richardson J, Bell P, Cartwright C, Richardson S, (2013). mySoil for iOS (v2.0) [Mobile application software]
- Shelley W. Bell P, Richardson S, Richardson J, Cartwright C (2013). iGeology for iOS (v3.2) [Mobile application software]
- Smith N, Shelley W, Lawrie K, Diaz-Doce D, Marchant A, Bee E, Wildman G (2012) [BGS•SIGMAmobile (v1.01) [Windows software]
- Westhead R.K, Smith M, Shelley W.A, Pedley R.C, Napier B, (2012) Mapping the geological space beneath your feet : the journey from 2D paper to 3D digital spatial data. In: Information Society (i-society) : 2012 International Conference, London, UK, 25-28 June 2012. IEEE, 99-102.
- Shelley W, Bell P, (2011) New GIS smartphone app shows the geology beneath our feet. ESRI UK ThinkGIS, Issue 31
- Shelley W, Marchant A, Bell P, Westhead K, (2011) BGS serves up data-to-go. Geoconnexion UK, Sept/O. 70-71.
- Jordan C.J, Bee E.J, Smith N.A, Lawrie K.I.G, Marchant A.P, Wildman G, Bow J, Shelley W & Turner P. (2010) BGS•SIGMAmobile Release 2010A: User Guide for iX104s. British Geological Survey Internal Report, IR/10/031. 114pp.
- DevOps Tools: GitLab (CI/CD), Ansible, Vagrant, VMWare VSphere, Kubenetes, Docker, Icigna2, Prometheus, Hadoop, EFK
- Project management in software development
- Systems analysis – understanding the scientific problem, the technical solutions and how best to deliver them.
- Mobile application development – (iOS – ObjectiveC)
- Geographic information systems (GIS)
- GIS programming in VB.Net, ArcObjects (ArcGIS), MapBasic (MapInfo)
- Developing web mapping applications with ArcGIS Server and ArcIMS
- SIGMA software