Dr Diana Sahy

Isotope research scientist
BGS Keyworth

Diana Sahy’s Biography

  • 2015 – ongoing : Isotope Research Scientist, NIGL, BGS
  •  2013 –2015 : Post-doctoral research assistant, NIGL, BGS
  •  2014 : PhD, University of Leicester
  •  2009 –2012 : Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher, NIGL, BGS
  •  2007 –2009 : Research Assistant, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria
  •  2007 : Diploma in Geology, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Research interests

  • U-Pb (zircon) and U-Th (carbonate) geochronology
  • Measurement of U and daughter products via TIMS and ICP-MS techniques
  • Numerical and relative dating of the stratigraphic record
  • Uncertainties in regional and global stratigraphic correlations


NERC Open Research Archive — Diana Sahy

Key papers

Crémière, A, Lepland, A, Chand, S., Sahy, D, Condon, D J, Noble, S R, Martma, T, Thorsnes, T, Sauer, S, Brunstad, H. 2016. Timescales of methane seepage in the aftermath of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet collapse. Nature Communications, 7, 11509

Sahy, D, Condon, D J, Terry, D O Jr., Fischer, A U, Kuiper K F. 2015. Synchronizing terrestrial and marine records of environmental change across the Eocene-Oligocene transition. Earth and Planetary Science Letters , 427, p. 171-182

Dean, J, Jones, M, Leng, M, Noble, S R , Metcalfe, S, Sloane, H, Sahy, D, Eastwood, W, Roberts, N. 2015. Eastern Mediterranean hydroclimate over the late glacial and Holocene, reconstructed from the sediments of Nar lake, central Turkey, using stable isotopes and carbonate mineralogy. Quaternary Science Reviews , 124, 162-174

Häuselmann, P, Mihevc, A, Pruner, P, Horáček, I, Čermák, S, Hercman, H, Sahy, D, Fiebig, M, Zupan Hajna, N, Bosák, P. 2015. Snežna jama (Slovenia): Interdisciplinary dating of cave sediments and implications for landscape evolution Geomorphology , 247, 10-24

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