Nikhil Nedumpallile Vasu

Dr Nikhil Nedumpallile-Vasu

Engineering geologist
BGS Keyworth

Nikhil Nedumpallile Vasu’s Biography

  • 2011 –2016 : PhD Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, South Korea
  • 2009 –2011 : MS Structural and Geotechnical Engineering, Griffith University, Australia
  • 2003 –2007 : BE Civil Engineering College of Engineering Goa, India


  • 2018 – ongoing : Engineering Geologist- Landslide and Geohazard Specialist, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham, UK
  • 2017 –2018 : Research Fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
  • 2016 –2017 : BK-21 Postdoctoral fellow, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, South Korea
  • 2011 –2016 : Research/Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, KAIST, South Korea
  • 2007 –2009 : Design Engineer, Madhav Kamat and Associates, Structural consulting Engineers, Goa, India

Research interests

  • Spatial and temporal modeling of landslide and debris flow hazard
  • Unsaturated soil mechanics
  • Interaction of Hydro-Geotechnical-Geomorphological controls on debris flow initiation



  • N V, Nikhil, Lee, D H, Lee, S R, Park, J Y, and Lee, B Y. 2018. A method to develop the input parameter database for site-specific debris flow hazard prediction under extreme rainfall. Landslides, 1-17 (online first).
  • Nistor, M M, Man, T C, Benzaghta, M A, N V, Nikhil, Dezsi, S, and Kizza, R. 2018. Land cover and temperature implications for the seasonal evapotranspiration in Europe. Geographica Technica 13(1) 85-108.
  • Rahardjo, H, Leong, E C, Qin, X, Satyanega, A, Nistor, M M, N V, Nikhil, and, Hao, K Z. 2017. Progress Report no. 1 in “The Development of Slope Management and Susceptibility Geographical Information System” project, Singapore.
  • Kang, S H, Lee, S R, N V, Nikhil, Park, J Y, and Lee, D H. 2017. Development and Application of Initiation Criterion for Debris Flows at a Regional Scale using Topographic Indices. Engineering Geology (230) 64-76.
  • Kim, M, Lee, S R, N V, Nikhil, and Jeon, J. 2017. Effect of design parameters on energy mitigation by a debris flow barrier. Computational & Experimental Methods in Multiphase & Complex Flow IX, Vol (115) 19 (published)
  • N V, Nikhil, and Lee, S R. 2016. A hybrid feature selection algorithm integrating an extreme learning machine for landslide susceptibility modeling of Mt. Woomyeon, South Korea. Geomorphology (263) 50-70.
  • N V, Nikhil, Lee, S R, Pradhan, A M S, Kim, Y T, Kang, S H, and Lee, D H. 2016. A new approach to temporal assessment using an extreme rainfall-induced landslide index. Engineering Geology (215) 36-49.
  • Park, D W, Lee, S R, N V, Nikhil, Kang, S H, and Park, J Y. 2016. Coupled model for simulation of landslides and debris flows at local scale. Natural Hazards 81 (3) 1653-1682.
  • N V, Nikhil, Yoon, S., Lee, S R, D H, Lee, and Park, J Y. 2016. ANN based estimation of SWCC fitting parameters for Korean weathered soil considering in-situ characteristics. The 2016 World Congress on Advances in Civil, Environmental, and Materials Research (ACEM16), Jeju Island, South Korea (Published)
  • Go, G H, Lee, S R, N V, Nikhil, and Yoon, S. 2015. A new performance evaluation algorithm for horizontal GCHPs (ground coupled heat pump systems) that considers rainfall infiltration. Energy (83) 766-777.
  • Park, D W, N V, Nikhil, and Lee, S R. 2013. Landslide and debris flow susceptibility zonation using TRIGRS for the 2011 Seoul landslide event. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (13) 2833-2849.
  • Park, D W, Lee, S R, N V, Nikhil, Yoon, S and Go, G H. 2013. Quantitative assessment of landslide susceptibility on a regional scale using geotechnical databases developed from GIS-based maps. Disaster Advances 7(5) 26-38.


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