Hazel Napier

Hazel Napier

BGS Geoscience and Society team leader
BGS Keyworth


Hazel Napier leads BGS’s geoscience and society theme established in 2015 to enhance the use of geoscience in addressing complex societal problems through the development of multi-and inter-disciplinary research with collaborators outside the natural sciences. Hazel has active collaborations with a number of university social scientists, human geographers and legal scholars at the universities of Strathclyde, Stirling, Leicester, Lancaster, Plymouth and Exeter. Research streams being developed include: value of social media for disaster risk reduction in vulnerable communities in the Caribbean (ODA), the relationship between public perception, engagement and attitudes towards underground energy technologies; the role of energy literacy and valuations of subsurface energy solutions; the value of the subsurface in the renewable energy mix and energy security; governance and ownership of the subsurface. Hazel chairs a BGS working group on defining new ethical guidelines for BGS research, is involved in developing social science training for BGS geoscientists and is a member of the Natural Hazards Partnership

Hazel Napier’s Biography

  • 2015 – ongoing : Team Leader, Geoscience and Society, British Geological Survey
  •  2009 –2019 : Skills leader, Spatial Information and Technologies, British Geological Survey
  •  2008 –2009 : Team Leader, Data Capture and Best Practice, British Geological Survey
  •  2004 –2008 : IS Project Manager, British Geological Survey
  •  2001 –2004 : IT Training Manager, British Geological Survey
  •  1999 –2001 : BGS Board Secretary, British Geological Survey
  •  1995 –1999 : GIS Developer, British Geological Survey
  •  1993 –1995 : GIS Specialist, UNEP-GRID Arendal, Norway
  •  1992 –1993 : Edinburgh University, MSc Geographic Information Systems
  •  1990 –1992 : Research Assistant, Geography Department, Portsmouth Polytechnic
  •  1987 –1990 : Portsmouth Polytechnic, BSc Geographical Sciences

Research interests

  • 2019 – ongoing : Expanding the public debate around renewable energy solutions from the biosphere into the deep subsurface. Lancaster University

Current projects and collaborations

  •  2018 – ongoing : Attitudes towards publically funded energy decarbonisation science. University of Stirling
  •  2018 – ongoing : Evaluating effectiveness of social media and citizen science in disaster risk reduction – Official Development Assistance programme
  •  2018 – ongoing : Opportunities and challenges that arise from geothermal drilling at Krafla volcano, Iceland. Lancaster University


  • – ongoing Facilitation – meetings and collaborations
  • Training programme development and provision
  • 2017 – ongoing : Coaching and mentoring


  • 2018 – ongoing:ILM Level 5 Certificate in Coaching and Mentoring

Boards and committees

  • 2014 – ongoing : Natural Hazards Partnership – member

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