Ian Mounteney

Ian Mounteney

Mineralogist and geochemist
BGS Keyworth

Ian Mounteney’s Biography

  •  2015 : X-ray diffraction specialist.
  •  2013 : ICP-AES specialist.
  •  2012 : Heavy Minerals specialist.
  •  2007 – ongoing : Research mineralogist, British Geological Survey.
  •  2006 : Analytical Chemist, Environment agency.
  •  2002 : University of Derby, BSc (Hons) Geology.

Research interests

  •  2008 – ongoing : Heavy mineral provenance studies. X-ray Diffraction Inductively coupled plasma-atomic emmision spectroscopy Naturally occuring asbestiform minerals. Industrial minerals and aggregate testwork.


  • Mounteney, I, Burton, A K, Farrant, A R, Watts, M J, Kemp, S J, and Cook, J M. 2018. Heavy mineral analysis by ICP-AES a tool to aid sediment provenancing. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 184 (A). 1-10.
  • Farrant, A R, Mounteney, I, Burton, A, Thomas, R J, Roberts, N M W, Knox, R W O, and Bide, T. 2018. Gone with the wind: Dune provenance and sediment recycling in the northern Rub’ al-Khali, United Arab Emirates, Arabia. (in press)
  • Hennissen, J A I, Hough, E, Vane, C H, Leng, M J, Kemp, S J, and Stephenson, M H. 2017. The prospectivity of a potential shale gas play: an example from the southern Pennine Basin (central England, UK). Marine and Petroleum Geology, 86. 1047-1066.
  • Fleming, C, Hough, E, Kemp, S. 2016. Feasibility of ASD AgriSpec analysis to indicate mineralogy of a potential shale gas reservoir from West Lancashire, UK. Energy Procedia, 97. 326-333.
  • Kemp, S J, Ellis, M A, Mounteney, I, and Kender, S. 2016. Palaeoclimatic implications of high-resolution clay mineral assemblages preceding and across the onset of the Palaeocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum, North Sea Basin. Clay Minerals, 51 (5). 793-813.
  • Kemp, S J, Smith, F W, Wagner, D, Mounteney, I, Bell, C P, Milne, C J, Gowing, C J B, and Pottas, T L. 2016. An improved approach to characterize potash-bearing evaporite deposits, evidenced in North Yorkshire, United Kingdom. Economic Geology, 111 (3). 719-742.
  • Key, R M, Johnson, C C, Horstwood, M S A, Lapworth, D J, Knights, K V, Kemp, S J, Watts, M, Gillespie, M, Adekanmi, M, and Arisekola, T. 2012. Investigating high zircon concentrations in the fine fraction of stream sediments draining the Pan-African Dahomeyan Terrace in Nigeria. Applied Geochemistry, 27 (8). 1525-1539.

Published outputs

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