Louise Maurice’s Biography
- 2007 – ongoing : Hydrogeologist, British Geological Survey
- 2003 – 2008 : PhD — Investigations of rapid groundwater flow and karst in the Chalk. University College London
- 2003 – 2007 : Research Assistant, Hydrogeology and tracer testing, University College London
- 1999 – 2003 : Research Assistant, Karst hydrogeology, Bristol University
- 1998 – 1999 : Environmental Geologist, Johnson, Poole and Bloomer
- 1997 – 1998 : MSc Applied Environmental Geology, Cardiff University
- 1996 – 1997 : Assistant instructor, Kilvrough Manor outdoor education centre
- 1993 – 1996 : BSc Geology and Geography, Birmingham University
Research interests
- Karst hydrogeology
- Tracer testing using artificial tracers (fluorescent dyes, bacteriophages, DNA, fluorescent microspheres, SF6 gas)
- Permeability and fracture distributions
- Groundwater ecology
Current projects and collaborations
- NERC Knowledge Exchange Fellow: Karst Aquifers
- Estimating carbon dioxide evasion rates from streams using tracer testing
- Groundwater Ecology in collaboration with Roehampton University, CEH, and Hull University
- Development and application of Groundwater tracers
- 2016 : Maurice, L., Robertson, A.R., White, D., Knight, L., Johns, T., Edwards, F., Arietti, M., Sorensen J.P.R., Weitowitz, D., Marchant, B.P., and Bloomfield, J.P., 2016. The invertebrate ecology of the Chalk aquifer in England (UK). Hydrogeology Journal 24 (2), 459-474.
- 2015 : Johns, T., Jones, I., Knight, L., Maurice, L., Wood, P., Robertson, A., 2015. Regional scale drivers of groundwater faunal distributions. Freshwater Science 34 (1) DOI 10.1086/678460.
- 2014 : McInerney, C.E., Maurice, L., Robertson A.L., Knight, L.R.F.D.., Arnsheidt, J., Venditti, C., Dooley, J.S.G., Mathers, T., Matthijs, S., Erikkson, K., Proudlove, G., Hanfling, B., 2014. The Ancient Britons: Groundwater fauna survived extreme climate changes over tens of millions of years across NW Europe. Molecular Ecology 23, 1153-1166 doi:10.1111/mec.12664.
- 2013 : Taylor, Richard G.; Todd, Martin C.; Kongola, Lister; Maurice, Louise; Nahozya, Emmanuel; Sanga, Hosea; MacDonald, Alan M.. 2013 Evidence of the dependence of groundwater resources on extreme rainfall in East Africa. Nature Climate Change, 3. 374-378. 10.1038/nclimate1731
- 2013 : Sorensen, J.P.R., Maurice, L., Edwards, F.K., Lapworth, D.J., Read, D.S., Allen, D., Butcher, A.S., Newbold, L.K., Townsend, B.R., and Williams, P.J., 2013. Using boreholes as windows into groundwater ecosystems. Plos One, 8 (7), e70264.
- 2012 : MacDonald, A.M., Maurice, L., Dobbs, M.R., Reeves, H.J., Auton, C.A., 2012. Relating in situ hydraulic conductivity, particle size and relative density of superficial deposits in a heterogeneous catchment. Journal of Hydrology. 434-435, 130-141
- 2012 : Maurice, L. and Bloomfield, J. 2012. Stygobitic invertebrates in groundwater – a review of current knowledge from a hydrogeological perspective. Freshwater Reviews. 5 (1), 51-71.
- 2012 : Maurice, L.D., Atkinson, T.C., Barker, Williams, A.T., and Gallagher, A. 2012. The nature and distribution of flowing features in a porous limestone aquifer with small-scale karstification. Journal of Hydrology. 438-439, 3-15.
- 2011 : Maurice, L., Barker, J.A., Atkinson, T.C., Williams, A.T., and Smart, P.L. 2011. A tracer methodology for identifying flow in and across boreholes. Ground Water. 49 (2), 227-238.
- 2011 : Maurice, L., Packman, M., and Shaw, P. 2011. Hydrogeology and water resources of the Isle of Wight. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. 44, 159-171.
- 2010 : Stuart, M.E., Maurice, L., Heaton T.H.E., Sapiano, M., Gooddy, D.C., and Chilton, P.J. 2010. Groundwater residence time and movement in the Maltese islands A geochemical approach. Applied Geochemistry .25 (5) 609-620.
- 2010 : Maurice, L.D., Atkinson, T.C., Williams, A.T., Barker, and Farrant, A.R. 2010. Catchment Scale tracer testing from karstic features in a porous limestone. Journal of Hydrology. 389 (1-2) 31-4.
- 2006 : Maurice, L.D., Atkinson, T.C., Barker, J.A., Bloomfield, J.P., Farrant, A.R., and Williams, A.T. 2006. Karstic behaviour of groundwater in the English Chalk. Journal of Hydrology. 330(1-2) 63-70.
Published outputs
Commissioned reports
- 2016 : Farrant, A.R., Woods, M.A., Maurice, L., Haslam, R., Raines, M., and Kendall, R., 2016. Geology of the Kilham area and its influence on groundwater flow. British Geological Survey commissioned report CR/16/023
- 2012 : Maurice, L., Palumbo-Roe, B., Williams, A.T., Banks, V., Lapworth D. 2012. Tracer test feasibility assessment: Frongoch Mine Tailings Lagoon. OR/12/035, 15 pp.
- 2008 : Maurice, L., Barron, A.J.M., Lewis, M.A., and Robins, N.S. 2008. The geology and hydrogeology of the Jurassic limestones in the Stroud-Cirencester area with particular reference to the position of the groundwater divide. British Geological Survey commissioned report CR/08/146. 114pp.