Andrew Marriott’s Biography
- 2015 – Current : Aqueous Chemist
- 2014 – 2015 : Analytical Chemist
- 2009 – 2014 : PhD, Bangor University, Marine Biology
- 2007 – 2008 : MSc (Distinction), University of Bangor, Marine Biology
- 2004 – 2007 : BSc (Hons) 2.1, University of Bangor, Marine Biology
Research interests
- 2007 – ongoing : Analyses of biogeochemical tags in determining the origins and movement patterns of fish (otoliths) and sharks (vertebrae) using solution-based and laser ablation ICP-MS techniques.
- Application of Biogeochemical structures (otoliths) in identifying natal origin of marine and freshwater fish.
- The bioaccumulation of toxic heavy metals in fish tissue and their effects on food security in developing countries.
Current projects and collaborations
- 2018 – ongoing : Marriott A.L, Osano O, Coffey T, Egan S, Mulanda Aura, C. UK Institutional Links Grants: Aquaculture: Pathway to food security in Kenya. Newton Fund Institutional Links project, BC/332418244(PI, 2018-2019).
- 2018 – 2018 : Aquaculture and geochemistry : considerations for food security and safety in Africa
- 2015 – 2017 : Sustainable and safe fisheries for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Movement patterns and pollutant accumulation by whitemouth croaker or ‘Corvina’ (Micropogonias furnieri).
- 2014 – 2016 : Pollution biomonitoring of aquaculture ponds in West Bengal – University of Calcutta.
- 2009 – 2014 : Celtic Sea Trout Project. (CSTP)
- Jones, J B, Arkhipkin, A I, Marriott, A L, and Pierce, G J. 2018. Using statolith elemental signatures to confirm ontogenetic migrations of the squid Doryteuthis gahi around the Falkland Islands (Southwest Atlantic). Chemical Geology.
- Marriott, A L, McCarthy, I D, Ramsay, A L, and Chenery, S R N. 2016. Discriminating nursery grounds of juvenile plaice (Pleuronectes platessa) in the south-eastern Irish Sea using otolith microchemistry. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 546: 183–195
- Cambiè, G, Kaiser, M J, Marriott, A L, Fox, J, Lambert, G, Hiddink, J G, Overy, T, Bennet, S A, Leng, M J, and McCarthy, I D. 2016. Stable isotope signatures reveal small-scale spatial separation in populations of European sea bass. Mar Ecol Prog Ser. 546: 213-223
- Watts, M J, Mitra, S, Marriott, A L, and Sarkar, S K. 2017. Source, distribution and ecotoxicological assessment of multielements in superficial sediments of a tropical turbid estuarine environment: A multivariate approach.Marine Pollution Bulletin. 115: 130-140.
- Chatterjee, M, Sklenars, L, Chenery, S R, Watts, M J, Marriott, A L, Rakshit, D, and Sarkar, S K. 2014. Assessment of Total Mercury (HgT) in Sediments and Biota of Indian Sundarban Wetland and Adjacent Coastal Regions. Environment and Natural Resources Research. 4 (02): 50-64
- McCarthy, I D, Cant, J, and Marriott, A L. 2018. Population biology of grey gurnard (Eutrigla gurnardus (L.); Triglidae) in the coastal waters of Northwest Wales. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. Ian D. McCarthy | James Cant | Andrew L. Marriott
- McCarthy, I D, and Marriott, A L. 2018. Age, growth and maturity of tub gurnard (Chelidonichthys lucerna L.; Triglidae) in the inshore coastal waters of Eastern Anglesey and Northwest Wales. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
- Marriott, A L, Latchford, J W, and McCarthy, I D. 2010. Population biology of the red gurnard (Aspitrigla cuculus L.; Triglidae) in the inshore waters of Eastern Anglesey and Northwest Wales. Journal of Applied Ichthyology. 26 (4): 504-512
Published outputs
Commissioned reports
- 2014 –2014 : Salinas de León P, Bertolotti A, Chong C, Marriott A, Reyes H & Preziosi R (2014). Life history and fishing dynamics of the Camotillo (Paralabrax albomaculatus): Endemic species Galapagos classified as endangered by IUCN. Technical report to the Fishing Technical Commission of the Participative Management Board 9p.
- 2014-Current: Analytical experience includes Assessment of water quality using Ion Chromatography, NPOC, pH-Alk, Conductivity.
- Laser ablation & solution-based ICP-MS techniques.
- Mercury analysis (DMA-80).
Professional associations
- Fisheries Society of the British Isles.