Majdi Mansour

Dr Majdi Mansour

Groundwater modeller
BGS Keyworth

Dr Majdi Mansour is a civil engineer by training and specialised in the field of groundwater modelling. His work focuses on the development and application of numerical solutions to study groundwater water resources and aquifer protection under changing climate conditions. His research interest includes the simulation of groundwater flows to pumped boreholes, he has also contributed to the development of the British mainland national scale recharge model. He is currently investigating the role of groundwater on landslides and coastal erosion. Since 2022, Majdi is a member of the Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology editorial board.

Majdi Mansour’s biography

  • 2002 to present: Groundwater Modeller, British Geological Survey
  • 2003: PhD The University of Birmingham, Civil Engineering
  •  1999: MSc The University of Birmingham, Water Resources Technology and Management
  •  1994: BSc Beirut Arab University, Civil Engineering

Research interests

  • COOMPuTe: Cylindrical grid Object Oriented Model for pumping test analysis (development)
  • ZOODRM: Zooming Object Oriented Distributed Recharge Model (Development)
  • ZOODRM_Light: Integrated recharge / groundwater model with lateral flow in the soil zone (Development)
  • COOstSal2D: Variable Density Coastal Groundwater Flux 2D Model (Development)
  • OOUZ1D: Flow in the unsaturated zone using the Ogden-Talbot method (Development)

Current projects and collaborations

  • FLOODTWIN: Development of digital twin for Hull city to simulate surface water and groundwater flooding
  • Hydro-JULES
  • UK-Gravel barrier
  • Landslide: Landslide trigger threshold values

ORCID: 0000-0003-3058-8864

Professional associations

  • Fellow of the Geological Society, London
  • Member of the Syndicate of the Lebanese Order of Engineers

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