Susan is a volcanologist with extensive experience of survey and monitoring, and a previous director of the Monserrat Volcano Observatory. As a technical expert, she provides advice to the UK Government, Met Office and Civil Aviation Authority on the risks and impacts of volcanic eruptions.
Susan Loughlin’s Biography
- 2020 – ongoing : Topic Lead, Risk Reduction and Resilience
- 2008 – ongoing : Head of Volcanology
- 2004 – 2006 : Director of Montserrat Volcano Observatory
- 1999 – 2003 : BGS Geologist (e.g. mapping ignimbrites)
- 1997 – 1999 : Deputy Chief Scientist (job share) of Montserrat Volcano Observatory
- 1995 : BGS Geologist (mapping volcanic rocks and deposits)
- 1995 : PhD University of Durham, The Evolution of the Eyjafjӧll Volcanic System, Southern Iceland
- 1991 : BSc University of Leicester, Geology
Research interests
- Volcanic hazards (primary and secondary) and impacts
- Physical volcanology
- Science into policy and procedure
- Risk and uncertainty
- Communicating science
Current projects and collaborations
- International Natural Hazards Forward Look (BGS, UK Met. Office, PHE, APHA)
- UK-Iceland MoU for volcanic unrest and eruptions (BGS, UK Met. Office, Iceland Met. Office, NCAS)
- Aristotle-ENHSP
- 1st IAVCEI-GVM Workshop ‘From Volcanic Hazard to Risk Assessment’, Consensual Document
- Global Volcano Model : Volcanic Hazards and risk
Selected Recent Publications
- Bonadonna, C, Frischknecht, C Loughlin, S C, Mangione, D, and Menoni, S. 2021. Volcano eruptions (Chapter 15) In: Poljanšek, K, Valles, A C, Ferrer, M M (Eds). Recommendations for National Risk Assessment for Disaster Risk Management in EU. JRC Science For Policy Report. 135-148.
- Lechner, P., Tupper, A., Guffanti, M., Loughlin, S., Casadevall, T. 2017. Volcanic ash and aviation – the challenges of real-time, global communication of a natural hazard. In: Volcanic crisis communication: 51-64, In: Observing the Volcano World. Advances in Volcanology. Fearnley CJ,Bird DK,Haynes K,McGuire W,Jolly G (Eds). Springer.
- Loughlin, S., Bonadonna, C., Barsotti, S. & Calder, E. 2017. Geophysical risk: volcanic activity, 151-163. In: Science for Disaster Risk Management 2017: knowing better and losing less. Poljanšek, K. (Editor), European Commission
- Wadge, G., Voight, B., Sparks, R. S. J., Cole, P., Loughlin, S. C. 2013. An overview of the Eruption of Soufriere Hills Volcano from 2000-2010. Montserrat Special Issue (Geological Society Memoir). In press.
- Stephenson, J. A., Loughlin, S. C. et al. 2012. Distal deposition of tephra from the Eyjafjallajokull 2010 summit eruption, Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, doi:10.1029/2011JB008904.
Published outputs
- Physical volcanology
- Volcanoes and DRR
- Geological mapping of volcanic terrains
- Volcano monitoring
- 2017 : VMSG (Geological Society London) Thermo-Fisher award: ‘A significant contribution to our current understanding of volcanic and magmatic processes’
- 2014 : MBE – UK Honours List 2014 – ‘Services to Volcanology’.
Professional associations
- Member of IAVCEI and various working groups