Daniel Lapworth’s Biography
- 2014 – 2017 : PhD Hydrogeology, UCL (part time)
- 2000 – 2001 : MRes Earth & Atmospheric Science, University of Reading
- 1997 – 2000 : BSc(Hons) Environmental Chemistry, University of Reading
Research interests
- Field sensors and isotope techniques for tracking pollution
- Water resources in Africa and Asia – recharge, water quality, vulnerability and impact of anthropogenic pressures
- Emerging organic contaminants in groundwater
- Microbiological contamination in drinking water sources
- Urban groundwater quality and use
- Deep groundwater security
Current projects and collaborations
- 2020 – 2024 : IAH Groundwater Quality Commission (Chair)
- 2016 – 2020 : Integrating Hydro-Climate Science into Policy Decisions for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure and Livelihoods in East Africa (NERC-DFID FCFA programme)HyCRISTAL
- 2013 – 2020 : Impact of high abstaction on groundwater resources and water quality in the Indo-Gangetic Basin (DFID and BGS ODA) in collaboration with UCL NIH, BWDB and IIT-Kharagpur
- 2010 : Emerging contaminants in groundwater, collaboration with the Environment Agency (England), the European Groundwater Watch List working group and BRGM
- 2010 – 2019 : Application of Tryptophan-Like Florescence Sensors for water quality and risk screening (Africa and Asia) as part of UPGro and REACH programme
- 2011 –2020 : Groundwater recharge processes and urban groundwater quality and use in Sub-Saharan Africa (DFID) as part of the NERC UPGro, El Nino programme and REACH programme UPGro REACH and BGS ODA
- 2017 – 2021 : Groundwater recharge processes under conventional and conservation agriculture in East Africa as part of CEPHAS (GCRF funded) – UK partner groundwater lead working with Uni. Zambia, LUANDAR and Uni. Zimbabwe.
- Lapworth, D J, Das, P, Shaw, A, Mukherjee, A, Civil, W, Petersen, J O, Gooddy, D C, Wakefield, O, Finlayson, A, Krishan, G, Sengupta, P, and MacDonald, A M. 2018. Deep urban groundwater vulnerability in India revealed through the use of emerging organic contaminants and residence time tracers. Environmental Pollution, 240, 938-949.
- Lapworth, D J, Lopez, B, Laabs, V, Kozel, R, Wolter, R, Ward, R, Vargas-Amelin, E, Besien, T, Claessens, J, Delloye, F, and Ferretti, E. 2018. Developing a groundwater watch list for substances of emerging concern: a European perspective. Environmental Research Letters, 14, 035004.
- Lapworth, D J, Zahid, A, Taylor, R G, Burgess, W G, Shamsudduha, M, Ahmed, K M, Mukherjee, A, Gooddy, D C, Chatterjee, D, and MacDonald, A M. 2018. Security of deep groundwater in the coastal Bengal Basin revealed by tracers. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(16), 8241-8252.
- Lapworth, D J, Nkhuwa, D C W,Okotto-Okotto, J, Pedley, S, Stuart, M E, Tijani, M N, and Wright, J. 2017. Urban groundwater quality in sub-Saharan Africa: current status and implications for water security and public health. Hydrogeology Journal, 25(4), 1093-1116.
- MacDonald, A M, Bonsor, H C, Ahmed, K M, Burgess, W G, Basharat, M, Calow, R C, Dixit, A, Foster, S S, Gopal, K, Lapworth D J, and Lark, R M et al. 2016. Groundwater quality and depletion in the Indo-Gangetic Basin mapped from in situ observations. Nature Geoscience, 9(10), 762-766.
- Sorensen, J P, Lapworth, D J, Marchant, B P, Nkhuwa, D C, Pedley, S, Stuart, M E, Bell, R A, Chirwa, M, Kabika, J, Liemisa, M, and Chibesa, M. 2015. In-situ tryptophan-like fluorescence: a real-time indicator of faecal contamination in drinking water supplies. Water Research, 81, 38-46.
- Lapworth, D J, MacDonald, A M, Tijani, M N, Darling, W G, Gooddy, D C, Bonsor, H C, and Araguás-Araguás, L J. 2013. Residence times of shallow groundwater in West Africa: implications for hydrogeology and resilience to future changes in climate. Hydrogeology Journal, 21(3), 673-686.
Published outputs
- Hydrogeochemistry, Hydrogeology
- Water quality studies: design and implementation
- Project management and training in undertaking field-based research
- Visualisation and data analysis
Team awards
Professional associations
2003MRSC, Member of the Royal Society of Chemistry
2011Chartered Chemist, Royal Society of Chemistry
2012International Association of Hydrogeologist
Boards and commitees