Alicja Lacinska’s Biography
- 2007 – ongoing : Mineralogist/Petrographer, BGS
- 2012 – 2015 : PhD, Mineralogical and experimental study of serpentine minerals and ultramafic rocks with application to carbon capture and storage by mineralisation. (British Geological Survey and Nottingham University, NCCCS)
- 2004 – 2007 : Land Surveyor, Centre Line Surveys
- 2003 : MSc Mineralogy and Geochemistry, University of Silesia
Research interests
- The effect of crystal structure and chemistry on functional properties of minerals and other materials
- Geothermal systems
- Natural and experimental fluid-rock interactions and induced compositional, textural and structural transformations
- Metallogenesis of skarns
- CO2Â sequestration by mineralisation of serpentinites and ultramafic rocks
- Deady, E, Lacinska, A, Goodenough, K M, Shaw, R A, and Roberts, N M W. 2019 Volcanic-Derived Placers as a Potential Resource of Rare Earth Elements: The Aksu Diamas Case Study, Turkey Minerals 9 (4), 208
- Lacinska, A M, Styles, M T, Bateman, K, Hall, M, and Brown, P D. 2017. An Experimental Study of the Carbonation of Serpentinite and Partially Serpentinised Peridotites. Deep Carbon in Earth: Early Career Scientist Contributions to the Deep Carbon Observatory. Front. Earth Sci. 5:37. doi: 10.3389/feart.2017.00037
- Lacinska, A M, and Rushton, J C. The effect of X-ray energy overlaps on the results of chevkinite (Ce, La, Ca, Th)4(Fe, Mg)2(Ti, Fe)3Si4)22 microanalysis using SEM EDS-WDS. European Microbeam Analysis Society regional workshop 2018.
- Lusty, P A J, Lacinska, A M, Millar, I L, Barrie, C D, Boyce, A J. 2017. Volcanological and environmental controls on the Snowdon mineralization, North Wales, UK: A failed volcanogenic massive sulfide system in the Avalon Zone of the British Caledonides. Ore Geology Reviews 89, 557-586
- Lacinska, A M, Styles, M T, Bateman, K, Wagner, D, Hall, M R, Gowing, C, and Brown, P D. 2016. Acid-dissolution of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite for ex situ carbon capture and storage by mineralisation. Chemical Geology 437, 153-169
- Sanna, A, Xialong, W, Lacinska, A, Styles, M, Paulson, T, and Maroto-Valer, M. 2013. Enhancing Mg extraction from lizardite-rich serpenite for CO2 mineral sequestration. Minerals Engineering 49, pp 135-144
- Styles, M T, Sanna, A, Lacinska, A M, Naden, J, and Maroto-Valer, M. 2014. The variation in composition of ultramafic rocks and the effect on their suitability for carbon dioxide sequestration by mineralisation following acid leaching. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 4, 1-12.
- Lacinska, A M, Styles, M T, and Farrant, A R. 2014. Near-surface diagenesis of ophiolite-derived conglomerates of the Barzaman Formation, United Arab Emirates: a natural analogue for permanent CO2 sequestration via mineral carbonation of ultramafic rocks. Tectonic Evolution of the Oman Mountains, Geological Society Special Publication, 392, pp 343-360
- Sanna, A, Lacinska, A, Styles, M and Maroto-Valer, M. 2014. Silicate rock dissolution by ammonium bisulphate for pH swing mineral CO2 sequestration. Fuel Processing Technology, 120, pp 128-135
- Milodowski, A E, Rochelle, C A, Lacinska, A, and Wagner, D. 2011. A natural analogue study of CO2-cement interaction: carbonation of calcium silicate hydrate-bearing rocks from Northern Ireland. Energy Procedia 4, pp 5235-5242
- Hughes, H, Goodenough, K, Walters, A, McCormac, M, Gunn, G, and Lacinska, A. The structure and petrology of the Cnoc nan Cuilean Intrusion, Loch Loyal Syenite Complex, NW Scotland. Geological Magazine, 150 (5), 783-800
- Walters, A S, Goodenough, K M, Hughes, H S R, Roberts, N M W, Gunn, A G, Rushton, J, and Lacinska, A. Enrichment of Rare Earth Elements during magmatic and post-magmatic processes: a case study from the Loch Loyal Syenite Complex, northern Scotland. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 2013, 166, (4), 1177-1202
- Lacinska, A M, and Styles, M T. 2013. Silicified serpentinite – a residuum of a Tertiary palaeo-weathering surface in the United Arab Emirates. Geological Magazine, 150 (3), pp 385-395
- Pearce, J M, Kirby, G A, Lacinska, A, Bateson, L, Wagner, D, Rochelle, C A, and Cassidy, M. 2011. Reservoir-scale CO2-fluid rock intweractions; preliminary results from field investigations in the Paradox Basin, south east Utah. Energy Procedia 4, pp 5058-5065.
- Bateman, K, Rochelle, C, Lacinska, A, and Wagner, D. 2011. CO2-porewater-rock reactions – Large scale column experiment (Big Rig II). Energy Procedia, 4, pp 4937-4944
- Coombs, P, West, J M, Wagner, D, Turner, G, Noy, D J, Milodowski, A E, Lacinska, A, Harrison, H, and Bateman, K. 2008. Influence of biofilms on transport of fluids in subsurface granitic environments – some mineralogical and petrographical observations of materials from column experiments. Mineralogical Magazine, 72, pp 393-397.
- Lacinska, A M, Styles, M T, Naden, J, Kemp, S J, Maroto-Valer, M, Hall, M R, and Brown, P D. Mineralogical characterisation of serpentine minerals in the context of carbon capture and storage by mineralisation. Preliminary results. 2013. Conference Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Accelerated carbonation for Environmental and Materials Engineering, Leuven, Belgium.
Published outputs
Mineralogical/petrographical studies using optical microscopy, SEM, FTIR, XRD, EPMA. Fluid-rock interaction experiments and analysis of post-test materials.
Professional associations
Member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland; Treasurer of the Applied Mineralogy Group