Rhian Kendall

Rhian Kendall

BGS Chief Geologist, Wales
BGS Cardiff

Rhian Kendall’s Biography

  • 2023 – ongoing: Chief Geologist, Wales
  • 2017 – ongoing : Chartered Geologist
  • 2009 – ongoing : British Geological Survey
  • 1997 – 2008 : Cambrian Consultants/RPS Energy (Hydrocarbon sector) Geologist
  • 2000 – 2005 : Cardiff University Part time graduate research, Palaeobotany
  • 1993 : BSc University of Glamorgan, Applied Sciences (Geology)

Research interests

  • The Geology and stratigraphy of Wales
  • Conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons
  • Limestone and karst geology
  • Palaeontology
  • Geoconservation

Current projects and collaborations

  • 2009 : Geological mapping: Knighton District, Anglesey, and Singapore
  • 2009 – ongoing : Conventional and unconventional hydrocarbons
  • 2015 : Singapore – Study of Stratigraphy and Structural Geology for Application to Geological Modelling
  • 2016 – ongoing : National Geological Model

Published outputs

  • NERC Open Research Archive — Rhian Kendall
  • Kendall, R S, and Bide, T. 2017. Mineral Resources of Herefordshire in the Knighton District. British Geological Survey Internal Report, CR/16/212. 26pp.
  • Kendall, R S. 2016. Carboniferous Plants. South Wales Geologists’ Association.
  • Kendall, R S, Wilby, P R, Boon, D, Entwisle, D, and Freeborough, K. 2015. Summary Applied Geology of the Dyfi Catchment. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/15/064. 70pp
  • Kendall, A and Hicks, R, 2003. On the occurrence of Carboniferous fish spines within Ogof Draenen (Cave and Karst Science Vol 30, No1, 2003).
  • Various reports on the geology of Singapore.
  • Kendall, R, Brown, T, and Hetherington, L. Mineral Profile Coal. 2010. BGS Web Publication.
  • Various commissioned report of the 3D geological modelling of the Chalk for ground water management.
  • Bloodworth, A, Kendall, R, Bide, T and Raynor, D. 2010. Mineral Planning Factsheet, Coal.
  • Kendall, R S. 2017. The Old Red Sandstone of Britain and Ireland – a review. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. Vol 128, Issue 3, pp407–408
  • Kendall, R, Bloodworth, A, and Smith, N. 2011. Mineral Planning Factsheet, Alternative Fossil Fuels.
  • Kendall, R S. 2017. Editor. Special section on Sediments, floras and faunas of the Old Red Sandstone: Special. Section of eight papers. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, Vol 128, Issue 3, pp409–509.
  • Kendall, R, and Guilford, T. 2011. On the occurrence and distribution of bats in Ogof Draenen (Cave and Karst Science Vol 38, No1, 2011).
  • Thomas, C, and Kendall, R. 2011. Welsh Borderland Geological Framework Project: The Geology and applied geological issues of the region around Knighton, Powys: a scoping study IR/11/069
  • Phillips, E, Lee, R, Riding,J, Kendall, R, and Hughes, L. 2012. Periglacial disruption and subsequent glacitectonic deformation of bedrock: an example from Anglesey, North Wales, UK. Proc. Geol. Assoc.
  • Kendall, R S. 2013. Geological indicators of carbonaceous mudstone in Wales: implications for shale gas potential. IR/13/041
  • Study of Potential unconventional gas resource in Wales. Commercial project for Welsh Government.
  • Waters, C N, Kendall, R, and Thorpe, S. 2015. Geological Framework Model and surface data for the area south of Ammanford. British Geological Survey Internal Report, IR/15/007. 61 pp.
  • Kendall, R S. 2015. Conceptual cross-sections of superficial deposits in Cardiff. Open Report. OR/15/045. 12pp


  • Field geology
  • 3D Sub-surface modelling and volumetrics
  • Science communication
  • Project management

Professional associations

  • Fellow of the Geological Society of London
  • Geologists’ Association
  • Fellow of the Linnaean Society of London
  • Member of Palaeontological Association

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