Lee Jones’ biography
- 2014 – ongoing: Project Leader: Ground-based Geomatics Surveys
- 2000 – 2015: Project Leader: Ground Shrinkage Hazards
- 1999: B.Eng.(Hons), Nottingham Trent University, Civil Engineering
- 1990 – ongoing: Geological Engineer, British Geological Survey
Research interests
- Engineering Geology
- Specialist Terrestrial LiDAR, GNSS, TPS & UAV Surveying (Ground-based Geomatics)
- Geotechnical & Geophysical Soil & Rock Properties Laboratory and Field Testing, Analysis & Modelling
- Engineering Surveying, Geological Hazard Assessment, Terrain Modelling, Mapping & Interpretation
Key papers
Jones, L D, Terrington, R, and Hulbert, A. 2018. 3-D Volume Change Potential Modelling in the London Clay (Multi-dimensional Modelling, chapter 26. In: Turner et.al. Wiley, 2018
Everest, J, Bradwell, T, Jones, L, and Hughes, L. 2017. The geomorphology of Svínafellsjökull and Virkisjökull-Falljökull, southeast Iceland: a landsystem of rapid glacial retreat. Journal of Maps
Glendell, M, Mcshane, G, Farrow, L, James, M R, Quinton, J, Anderson, K, Evans, M, Benaud, P, Rawlins, B, Morgan, D, Jones, L D, Kirkham, M, Debell, L, Quine, T A., Lark, M, Rickson, J, and Brazier, R E. 2017. Testing the utility of structure from motion photogrammetry reconstructions using small unmanned aerial vehicles and ground photography to estimate the extent of upland soil erosion. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. March 2017
Jones, L D. Expanding Soils. 2017. In: Bobrowsky, P T, and Marker, M. (eds). Earth Sciences Series. Encyclopaedia of Engineering Geology. London, UK, Meteor Springer
O’ Dochartaigh, B E, MacDonald, A M, Black, A R, Everest, J, Wilson, P, Darling, W G, Jones, L, and Raines, M. 2017. Groundwater – meltwater interaction in proglacial aquifers amid rapid glacier retreat. Nature Communication
Phillips, E, Everest, J, Evans, D J, A, Finlayson, A, Ewertowski, M, Guild, A, and Jones, L D. 2017. Concentrated, “pulsed” axial glacier flow: structural glaciological evidence from Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. March 2017
Tapete, D, Banks, V, Jones, L, Kirkham, M, and Garton, D. 2017. Contextualising archaeological models with geological, airborne and terrestrial LiDAR data: The Ice Age landscape in Farndon Fields, Nottinghamshire, UK. Journal of Archaeological Science. 81 (2017), 31-48
Jones, L D. 2014. Measuring our changing Earth. Planet Earth, Autumn 2014, p28-29
Philips, E, Finlayson, A, Bradwell, T, Everest, J, and Jones, L. 2014. Structural evolution triggers a dynamic reduction in active glacier length during rapid retreat: evidence from Falljokull, SE Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
Hobbs, P R N, Jones, L D, Kirkham, M P, Roberts, P, Haslam, E P, and Gunn, D A. 2013. A new apparatus for determining the shrinkage limit of clay soils. Geotechnique 64(3), 195-203
Philips, E, Finlayson, A, and Jones, L. 2013. Fracturing, block-faulting and moulin development associated with progressive collapse and retreat of a polar maritime glacier: Virkisjökull-Falljökull, SE Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface. 118(3), 1545-1561
Harrison, A M, Plim, J F M, Harrison, M, Jones, L D, and Culshaw, M G. 2012. The relationship between shrink–swell occurrence and climate in south-east England. Proceedings of the Geologists Association.
Jones, Lee D, and Jefferson, I. 2012. Expansive soils. In: Burland, J, (ed.) ICE manual of geotechnical engineering. Volume 1, geotechnical engineering principles, problematic soils and site investigation. London, UK, ICE Publishing, 413-441.
Jones, L D, and Terrington, R. 2011. Modelling volume change potential in the London clay. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 44 (1). 109-122. 10.1144/1470-9236/08-112.
Donnelly, L J, Jones, L D, and Ojeda, J. 2010. Landslides and mining hazards in Columbia, South America. International Association of Engineering Geology, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-10 Sept 2010.
2010 : Hobbs, P, Gibson, A, Jones, L, Poulton, C, Jenkins, G, Pearson, S, and Freeborough, K. 2010. Monitoring coastal change using terrestrial LiDAR. In: Fleming, Claire; Marsh, Stuart; Giles, Jeremy, (eds.) Elevation models for geoscience. Geological Society of London, 117-127. (Geological Society Special Publications, 345.)
Jones, L D. 2010. Making science work: How an erupting volcano on the island of Montserrat can educate and enthral. International Association of Engineering Geology, Auckland, New Zealand, 5-10 Sept 2010.
Loughlin, S C, Luckett, R, Ryan, G, Christopher, T, Hards, V, De Angelis, S, Jones, L, and Strutt, M. 2010. An overview of lava dome evolution, dome collapse and cyclicity at Soufriere Hills Volcano, Montserrat, 2005-7. Geophysical Research Letters,37, L00E16, doi:10.1029/2010GL042547.
Ryan, G, Loughlin, S C, James, M, Jones, L, Calder, E, Christopher, T, Strutt, M, and Wadge, G. 2010. Growth of the lava dome and extrusion rates at Soufriere Hills Volcano Montserrat, West Indies, 2005-8. Geophysical Research Letters,37, L00E08, doi:10.1029/2009GL041477.
Jones, L D. 2009. Montserrat. Seconds from Catastrophe? Living with an active volcano. Teaching Earth Science. 34, No. 1, 20-23.
Jones, L D. 2007. The application of terrestrial LiDAR to Volcano Monitoring – An example from the Montserrat Volcano Observatory. Civil Engineering Surveyor magazine , publ: Buxton Press, November 2007, 21-23.
Donnelly, L, Jones, L D, Palmer, M, and Dilkes, C. 2006. Engineering geological and geotechnical aspects of the Soufriere Hills volcanic eruption, Montserrat. IAEG2006 Engineering Geology for tomorrow’s cities. Nottingham, UK, September 2006.
Hobbs, P R N, and Jones, L D. 2006. Shrink Rethink. Ground Engineering magazine, publ: Emap Construct, January 2006, 24-25.
Jones, L D. 2004. Cracking open the property market. Planet Earth, Autumn 2004, 30-31.
Gunn, D A, Jones, L D, Raines, M G, Entwisle, D C, and Hobbs, P R N. 2003. Laboratory measurement and correction of thermal properties for application to the rock mass. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering 23(6): 773-791.
Rowlands, K A, Jones, L D, and Whitworth M. 2003. Landslide laser scanning: a new look at an old problem. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. 36, 155-157.
Hobbs, P R N, Jones, L D, Northmore, K J, and Entwisle, D C. 2000. Shrinkage behaviour of some tropical clays. In: Rahardjo, Toll, D, and Leong (eds.), Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Unsaturated Soils, UNSAT-ASIA 2000, Singapore. A. A. Balkema, Rotterdam, 675-680.
Hobbs, P R N, and Jones, L D. 2000. Clay shrinkage research at the British Geological Survey. Slips, Shrinks, and Swells – Clay Minerals & Geotechnics. Joint Meeting of the Clay Minerals Group of the Mineralogical Society and Engineering Group of the Geological Society. Keyworth, Nottingham, Dec 2000.
Gunn, D A, Jones, L D, McCann, D M, and Culshaw, M G. 1998. The Effects of Normal Consolidation and Partial Saturation on the Seismic Properties of Marine Sediments. Proc. Oceanology International 98 Conference. Brighton Metropole. 10-13 March, 1998.
Gunn, D A, Jones, L D, Raines, M G, Entwisle, D C, and Hobbs, P R N. 1997. Correcting Laboratory Thermal Measurements for Application to the Rock Mass. Proc. 3rd European Engineering Geology Conference. University of Newcastle. 10-14 September, 1997.
Published outputs
- Geotechnical Group of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Best Thesis: Winner: 2000 Jones, L D. A Shrink/Swell Classification for UK Clay Soils
- Lloyds Science of Risk. Hazards: Runner up: 2011 Jones, L D, and Terrington, R.
- Lloyds Science of Risk. Climate Change: Runner up: 2012 Harrison, A M, Plim, J F M, Harrison, M, Jones, L D, and Culshaw, M G.
- Geologists Association Richardson Award: Winner: 2012 Harrison, A M, Plim, J F M, Harrison, M, Jones, L D, and Culshaw, M G.
Professional association
- 2000: Fellow of the Geological Society, London
- 2017 – ongoing: Graduate Member of the Chartered Institution of Civil Engineering Surveyors
- 2009 – ongoing: Member of the Subsidence Forum
- 1994: Member of the Institution of Civil Engineers, London
- Treasurer, East Midlands Regional Group of the Geological Society, London
- Schools Liason, Engineering Group of the Geological Society, London