Gareth Jenkins

Gareth Jenkins

BGS Keyworth


Gareth started his career at BGS as a coastal sedimentologist working on a diverse range of projects including the development of the DigBath250 product, drafting offshore data for the Liverpool and Bristol 1:50k geological maps, working on contaminated sediments in the Mersey and Clyde estuaries and sea bed characterisation for marine habitats in the Bristol Channel. He has also worked on marine aggregates and represented the BGS for two years on the European Marine Sand and Gravel Group (EMSAGG). Gareth has extensive experience of landslides in Great Britain, undertaking surveys in a variety of terrains and is a member of the BGS landslide response team; providing national forecasts in collaboration with the Met Office. He also provides global volcanic hazard analysis as part of the GO-Science IFL consortium. He has experience in geological mapping in Carboniferous terrains (using the Sigma mobile digital field mapping equipment). Gareth also has expertise using the GSI3D and Groundhog modelling software, producing models for both national capability and commercial projects.

Gareth Jenkins’ biography

  • 2006 – ongoing: Geologist, British Geological Survey
  • 2001 – 2006: Coastal Sedimentologist, British Geological Survey
  • 2000 – 2001: MSc Environmental Sedimentology and Geomorphology, University of Reading
  • 1997 – 2000: BSc (Hons) Geology, University of Southampton

Research interests

  • Coastal and nearshore dynamics
  • Earth surface processes
  • 3D modelling of bedrock and superficial geology
  • Landslides and weather interactions in Great Britain
  • Global volcanic hazard analysis

Published outputs

NERC Open Research Archive — Gareth Jenkins

Payo, A G, Jigena, B A, Hurst, M, Palaseanu-Lovejoy, M, Williams, C, Jenkins, G, and Ellis, M A, et al. 2018. Development of an automatic delineation of cliff top and toe on very irregular planform coastlines (CliffMetrics v1. 0). Geoscientific Model Development, 11(10), 4317-4337.

Dijkstra, T A, Jenkins, G O, Gunn, D A, Dashwood, C, Dankers, R, Dixon, N, Petley, D N, Gibson, A D, and Winter, M G. 2014. Landslides and climate change in the United Kingdom. Joint Technical Committee on Natural Slopes and Landslides (JTC 1) TR3 report.

Price, S J, Kearsey, T, Leslie, A G, Goodenough, K M, Jenkins, G O, Terrington, R L, Self, S, Gillespie, M R, Horabin, C, and Myers, A. 2014. A 3D geological model of the superficial deposits of Singapore. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report CR/14/078

Gunn D A, Chambers J E, Hobbs P R N, Ford J R, Wilkinson P B, Jenkins G O, and Merritt A. 2013. Rapid observations to guide the design of systems for long-term monitoring of a complex landslide in the Upper Lias clays of North Yorkshire, UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrology, 46, 323-336.

Jenkins, G O, Foster, C F, and Hopson, P M. 2011. Geology as a control on landslides on the Isle of Wight: an overview. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association. 122, pp. 906-922

Pennington, C V L, Foster, C, Chambers, J E, and Jenkins, G O. 2009 Landslide research at the British Geological Survey : capture, storage and interpretation on a national and site-specific scale. Acta geologica sinica English edition, 83(5), 991-999.

Jenkins, G O, Gibson, A D, and Humpage, A J. 2007. Climate change and evolution of landslide hazard at Nefyn Bay, North Wales. In: McInnes et al. (Eds), Landslides and climate change: challenges and solutions. Proceedings of the International Conference on Landslides and Climate Change. Taylor and Francis, 113-119.

Mackie, A S Y, James, J W C, Rees, E I A, Darbyshire, T, Philpott, S L, Mortimer, K, Jenkins, G O, and Morando, A. 2006 The outer Bristol Channel marine habitat study. Cardiff, National Museum of Wales.

James, J W C, Philpott, S L, and Jenkins, G O. 2005 Marine aggregates in the Bristol Channel and Severn Estuary. In: Bassett, Michael G.; Deisler, Valerie K.; Nicol, Douglas, (eds.) Urban geology in Wales : 2. National Museum of Wales, 222-229.

Forster, A, and Jenkins, G O. 2005. The assessment of landslide hazard potential as a guide to land use and planning in the South Wales Coalfield. In: Bassett, Michael G.; Deisler, Valerie K.; Nicol, Douglas, (eds.) Urban geology in Wales : 2. Cardiff, UK, National Museum of Wales, 81-90.


  • Field geologist, geological mapping and surveying
  • Landslide surveying and mapping
  • Digital field data capture
  • Core logging
  • 3D geological mapping and modelling
  • GIS
  • Nearshore and offshore sedimentology

Professional association

  • 2006 – 2007: EMSAGG committee member
  • 2005 – 2007: Meetings Secretary, East Midlands Regional Group of the Geological Society

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