Christopher Jackson’s biography
- Principal Groundwater Modeller, British Geological Survey
- 2005 – 2012: External Lecturer, MSc Environmental Hydrogeology, Cardiff University
- 2000: PhD University of Birmingham, Groundwater Modelling
- 1997 – 2001: Research Associate, School of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham
- 1996: MSc(Eng) University of Birmingham, Water Resources Technology & Management
- 1993: BSc University of East Anglia, Geophysical Science
Research interests
- ZOOMQ3D groundwater model development
- OpenMI and FluidEarth technology for integrated hydrological modelling
- Groundwater flooding
- Groundwater, climate change and extreme events
- Impacts of climate change on groundwater deployable output
- Numerical methods for groundwater flow simulation
- Pumping test analysis and flow to boreholes
ORCID: 0000000323732098
Current projects and collaboration
- CAMELLIA: Community Water Management for a Liveable London
- Hydro-JULES
- PhiGO: Philippines Groundwater Outlook
- Hydrological Outlook: a multi-partner collaboration providing 3-month ahead forecasts of groundwater levels and river flows for the UK
Published outputs
Professional association
- Fellow of the Geological Society, London