Andrew Hughes’ biography
- 2007 to present: Principal Groundwater Modeller
- 1999 to 2007: Senior Groundwater Modeller
- 1998 to 1999: Groundwater modelling manager, Water Management Consultants Ltd, Shrewsbury
- 1997: PhD University of Birmingham, Modelling gas movement in the unsaturated zone
- 1994 to 1997: PhD Student, University of Birmingham
- 1993 to 1994: Groundwater Modeller, Water Management Consultants Ltd, Shrewsbury
- 1990: MSc University of Birmingham, Water Resources Technology
- 1990 to 1993: Research Associate, University of Birmingham
- 1989: BEng (Hons) University of Birmingham, Chemical Engineering
Research interests
- Large-scale groundwater flow models (national, continental, global)
- Understanding salar processes to minimise environmental impact extraction of lithium brines
- Integrated modelling
Current projects and collaboration
- BGS lead and Co-I for the NERC funded Hydro-JULES-Next (NE/S017380/1) project – developing national scale groundwater flow model along with continental scale (Africa) groundwater flow models
- Co-I for the NERC funded TerraFirma (NE/W004895/1) project – developing global-scale groundwater flow model to integrate with the UKESM2 Earth System Model
- Co-chair of Open Geospatial Consortium’s MUDDI SWG
- Gas flow modelling
- Groundwater modelling
Professional association
- Fellow of the GeolSoc