Anna Harrison

Anna Harrison

Applied Quaternary scientist
BGS Keyworth


Anna is an Applied Quaternary Geoscientist and has worked at BGS for over 16 years, and is an established member of the “Shallow Geohazards and Risk” and “Geohazard Product Development” Teams. She is a key contributor to commercial and non-commercial projects and her work involves research utilising climatic and geological datasets, geohazard databases, GIS, field observations, aerial photography and expert Quaternary knowledge.

Anna Harrison’s biography

  • 2016 – ongoing: Skills Leader for the Engineering Geology and Infrastructure Directorate
  • 2014 – ongoing: Task leader, CHANGE (part of the Hazard Products Development Team)
  • 2007 – 2013: Task leader, Climate change and geohazards (part of the Shallow geohazards and risks Team)
  • 2001 – 2003: MSc Royal Holloway University of London, Quaternary Science
  • 2001 – ongoing: Quaternary Geoscientist, BGS, Keyworth
  • 1999 – 2001: Coastal Geology scientific support, BGS, Keyworth
  • 1994 – 1997: BSc (Hons) Lancaster University, Combined Science.

Research interests

Current projects and collaboration

  • Geological mapping of Quaternary deposits
  • Science Communication
  • Researching satellite derived soil moisture data
  • Research into the impacts of climate change on UK geohazards such as the shrink swell properties of clays

Key papers

Cigna, F, Harrison, A, Tapete, D, and Lee, K. 2016. Understanding geohazards in the UNESCO WHL site of the Derwent Valley Mills (UK) using geological and remote sensing data. Proc. SPIE 9688, Fourth International Conference on Remote Sensing and Geoinformation of the Environment (RSCy2016), 96881V (August 12, 2016)

Pennington, C V L, Dijkstra, T A, Lark, M, Dashwood, C, Harrison, A, M, and Freeborough, K  A. 2014. Antecedent precipitation as a potential proxy for landslide incidence in the UK. Third World Landslide Forum 2014.

Pennington, C V L, and Harrison, A  M. 2013. 2012 – Landslide Year? Was the increase in UK landslides during 2012 real or apparent?, GeoScientist Magazine. v. 23 (5)pp10-15.

Harrison, A M, Plim, J F M, Harrison, M, Jones, L D, and Culshaw, M G. 2012a. The relationship between shrink–swell occurrence and climate in south-east England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, Vol. 123, 556-575.

Harrison, A M, Harrison, M, et al. 2010. UK regional scale modelling of natural geohazards and climate change. Proceedings of the 11th Conference of the International Association of Engineering Geology and the Environment, Auckland, New Zealand, CRC Press/Balkema.

Candy, I, Jonathan, L, and Harrison, A. (eds.) 2008. The Quaternary of northern East Anglia : field guide. Quaternary Research Association. (Quaternary Research Association Field Guide).

Harrison, A, and Lee, J. 2008. Blakeney Esker : an exercise in public awareness. In: Candy, I.; Lee, Jonathan; Harrison, Anna, (eds.) The Quaternary of northern East Anglia : field guide. Quaternary Research Association, 223-230. (Quaternary Research Association field guide).

Harrison, A M, Morigi, A N, Thomas, I A, Down, K E, Linley, K A, Steadman, E J, Williams, N, and Lawley, R. 2007. Aggregate supply and demand for sustainable communities : a practical approach to problem-solving [executive summary]. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 20pp. (OR/07/005)

Jarrow, A. 2006. Norfolk’s glaciers: the Blakeney Esker project. Planet Earth, Winter 2006. 32.

Published outputs

Harrison, A M, Lee, K A, Holbrook, H W, Jones, L D, Freeborough, K A, and Grebby, S. 2012b. Satellite derived soil moiture data and shrink swell research: Final report. British Geological Survey Internal Report OR/12/138.

Harrison, A M, Freeborough, K A, Lee, K A, Jones, L D, and Bateson, L. 2011. Satellite derived soil moisture data and shrink swell research: A scoping report. British Geological Survey Internal Report IR/12/015.

Harrison, A M, and Plim, J. 2009. Geohazards & Climate Change: A shrink/swell GIS model. British Geological Survey Internal Report, IR/09/034. 27pp


  • 2013: Richardson Award (Geologists’ Association)
  • 2012: Lloyd’s Science of Risk Prize. Runner up in the Climate Change category.

Professional association

  • 2004 – 2012: Fellow of the Geological Society, London
  • 2004 – ongoing: Member of Geological Society of Norfolk
  • 2002 – ongoing: Member of the Quaternary Research Association

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