Andrew Finlayson’s biography
- 2016 – 2019: Skills Leader
- 2014: PhD, Glacial geomorphology, University of Edinburgh
- 2005: Appointed to British Geological Survey
- 2004: MSc Royal Holloway, University of London, Quaternary Science
- 2001: BSc University of St Andrews, Geography
Research interests
- Catchment geomorphology
- Applied Quaternary geology
- Three-dimensional geological modelling
- Glacial geology and ice sheet processes
- Applications of ground penetrating radar
Current projects and collaboration
- 2018 – ongoing: Uncertainty surrounding the resilience of historical engineered barriers in rivers, with the University of Bath and the Alan Turing Institute.
- 2016 – 2019: Supporting Self Recovery After Disasters, with Loughborourgh University, CARE International UK, the Overseas Development Institute and UCL.
- 2016 – ongoing: Geomorphology of upland catchments
- 2013 – ongoing: structural glaciology and subglacial drumlins, Iceland, with the University of Iceland
ORCID: 0000000264473187
Key papers
Finlayson, A, Phillips, E, Benediktsson, Í Ö, Zoet, L K, Iverson, N R, and Everest, J. 2019. Subglacial drumlins and englacial fractures at the surge‐type glacier, Múlajökull, Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 44(1), pp.367-380.
Kearsey, T I, Lee, J R, Finlayson, A, Garcia‐Bajo, M, and Irving, A A. 2018. Examining the geometry, age and genesis of buried Quaternary valley systems in the Midland Valley of Scotland, UK. Boreas.
Lapworth, D J, Das, P, Shaw, A, Mukherjee, A, Civil, W, Peterson, J O, Gooddy, D C, Wakefield, O, Finlayson, A, Krishan, G, and Sengupta, P. 2018. Deep urban groundwater vulnerability in India revealed through the use of emerging organic contaminants and residence time tracers. Environmental pollution, 240:938-49.
Stephenson, V, Finlayson, A, and Morel, L M. 2018. A risk-based approach to shelter resilience following flood and typhoon damage in rural Philippines. Geosciences, 8(2):76.
Flett, V, Maurice, L, Finlayson, A, Black, A R, Macdonald, A M, Everest, J, and Kirkbride, M P. 2017. Meltwater flow through a rapidly deglaciating glacier and foreland catchment system: Virkisjökull, SE Iceland. Hydrology Research, 48(6):1666-81.
Phillips, E, Everest, J, Evans, D J, Finlayson, A, Ewertowski, M, Guild, A, and Jones, L. 2017. Concentrated,’pulsed’ axial glacier flow: structural glaciological evidence from Kvíárjökull in SE Iceland. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 42(13), pp.1901-1922.
Twigg, J, Lovell, E, Schofield, H, Morel, L M, Flinn, B, Sargent, S, Finlayson, A, Dijkstra, T, Stephenson, V, Albuerne, A, and Rossetto, T. 2017. Self-recovery from disasters. ODI Working Paper 523. London: Overseas Development Institute.
Dove, D, Arosio, R, Finlayson, A, Bradwell T, and Howe, J A. 2015. Submarine glacial landforms record Late Pleistocene ice-sheet dynamics, Inner Hebrides, Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, 123, pp.76-90.
Kearsey, T, Williams, J, Finlayson, A, Williamson, P, Dobbs, M, Marchant, B, Kingdon, A, and Campbell, D. 2015. Testing the application and limitation of stochastic simulations to predict the lithology of glacial and fluvial deposits in Central Glasgow, UK. Engineering geology, 187, pp.98-112.
Finlayson, A, Fabel, D, Bradwell, T, and Sugden, D. 2014. Growth and decay of a marine terminating sector of the last British Irish Ice Sheet. Quaternary Science Reviews 83, 28-45.
Phillips, E, Finlayson, A, Bradwell, T, Everest, J, and Jones, L. 2014. Structural evolution triggers a dynamic reduction in active glacier length during rapid retreat: evidence from Falljokull, SE Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface , 119, 2194-2208.
Finlayson, A. 2013. Digital surface models are not always representative of former glacier beds: Palaeoglaciological and geomorphological implications. Geomorphology, 194, 25-33.
Phillips, E, Finlayson, A, and Jones, L. 2013. Fracturing, block faulting and Moulin development associated with progressive collapse and retreat of a maritime glacier: Virkisjokull-Falljokull, SE Iceland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118, 1545-1561.
Finlayson, A. 2012. Ice dynamics and sediment movement: last glacial cycle, Clyde basin, Scotland. Journal of Glaciology, Vol. 58, No. 206, 487-500. 536-554.
Finlayson, A, Golledge, N, Bradwell, T and Fabel, D. 2011. Evolution of a lateglacial mountain ice cap in northern Scotland. Boreas, Vol. 40, 536-554.
Finlayson, A, Merritt, J, Browne, M, Merritt, J E, McMillan, A, and Whitbread, K. 2010. Ice sheet advance, dynamics, and decay configurations: evidence from west central Scotland. Quaternary Science Reviews, Vol. 29, 969-988.
Published outputs
- 2013: Awarded the Lewis Penny Medal by the Quaternary Research Association
Boards and committees
- 2015 – ongoing: Ordinary Member of the Quaternary Research Association Executive Committee
- 2014 – ongoing: Editorial Board: Proceedings of the Geologist’s Association
Professional association
- 2015 – ongoing: Chartered Geographer, CGeog [Geomorph], and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society with IBG
- 2006 – ongoing: Member of the Quaternary Research Association