Marcus is an engineering geologist, leading BGS work to understand the stratigraphy and structural geology of Singapore. He is the BGS Rock Mechanics and Physics Laboratory Manager.
- 2018 – ongoing : Co-I BGS ODA Geoscience for Sustainable Futures
- 2016 – ongoing : Project Manager – BGS Singapore projects
- 2014 – ongoing : BGS Rock Mechanics and Physics Laboratory Manager
- 2008 – ongoing : Senior Engineering Geologist – British Geological Survey
- 2005 –2008 : Geotechnical Engineer – Waterman Civils Ltd
- 2004 –2005 : Field Geochemist – G-Base and Tellus Projects, British Geological Survey
- 1996 –1999 : Laboratory Technician (Soils and concrete testing) – Balfour Beatty plc (A1(M), M60, M6 Toll)
Research interests
- Geoscience for Development
- Geology & Engineering Geology of Singapore and Malaysia
- Experimental rock mechanics
- Characterising the geotechnical properties and behaviour of UK rock and soil formations
- Storage and communication of geotechnical information using 3D models and geographical information systems
Current projects and collaboration
- 2018 – ongoing : BGS Official Development Assistance Programme: Geoscience for Sustainable Futures – Resilience of Asian Cities Research Platform
- 2015 –2018 : Singapore – Study of Stratigraphy and Structural Geology for Application to Geological Modelling
- 2014 –2017 : Singapore – Seismic Review and Rock Laboratory Testing
- 2013 –2018 : CONTAIN – The impaCt of hydrOcarbon depletioN on the Treatment of cAprocks within performance assessment for CO2 InjectioN schemes
- 2013 – ongoing : Deformation and failure mode of the Monte Canale micro-folded gneiss
- 2013 –2018 : IMAGES – Integrated, Market-fit and Affordable Grid-scale Energy Storage (EPSRC grant funded)
- 2011 –2016 : EPS – Use of electric potential sensors in rock deformation (University of Sussex)
- 2008 – ongoing : Geotechnical and Geophysical Properties and Processes: Characterising the geotechnical properties and engineering behaviour of glacial tills and Permian-Triassic sandstones
- 2009 –2018 : Mathematical Modelling: Geotechnical property attribution of 3D models
Key papers
- Leitgeb, E, Ghosh, S, Dobbs, M, Englisch, M, and Michela, K. 2019. Distribution of nutrients and trace elements in forest soils of Singapore. Chemosphere 22, 62-70.
- Panza, E,Agosta, F, Rustichelli, A, Vinciguerra, S C, Ougier-Simonin, A, Dobbs, M, and Prosser, G. 2019. Meso-to-microscale fracture porosity in tight limestones, results of an integrated field and laboratory study. Marine and Petroleum Geology 103. May 2019. 581-595.
- Williams, J D O, Dobbs, M R, Kingdon, A, Lark, R M, Williamson, J P, MacDonald, A M, and Ó Dochartaigh, B É. 2018. Stochastic modelling of hydraulic conductivity derived from geotechnical data; an example applied to Central Glasgow. Earth and Environmental Science Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 1–14.
- Dobbs, M R, Cuss, R J, Ougier-Simonin, A, Parkes, D, and Graham, C C. 2018. Yield envelope assessment as a preliminary screening tool to determine carbon capture and storage viability in depleted southern north-sea hydrocarbon reservoirs. Int. J. of Rock Mech. and Min. Sci.102 (2018) 15–27
- Agliardi, F., Dobbs, M.R., Zanchetta, S. and Vinciguerra, S. 2017. Folded fabric tunes rock deformation and failure mode in the upper crust. Scientific Reports 7, Article number: 15290.
- Bubeck, A, Walker, R J, Healy, D, Dobbs, M, and Holwell, D A. 2017. Pore geometry as a control on rock strength. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 457 (2017) 38–48.
- Archer, J W, Dobbs, M R, Reeves, H J, and Prance, R J. 2016. Measurement and correlation of acoustic emissions and pressure stimulated voltages in rock using an electric potential sensor. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 89, 26–33.
- Entwisle, D C, Culshaw, M G, Hulbert, A G, Shelley, W A, Self, S J, and Dobbs, M R. 2016. The Glasgow (Scotland) geotechnical GIS: a desk study tool. Geological Society, London, Engineering Geology Special Publications, 27:1 63-80.,
- Kearsey, T, Williams, J, Finlayson, A, Williamson, P, Dobbs, M, Marchant, B, Kingdon, A, and Campbell, D. 2015. Testing the application and limitation of stochastic simulations to predict the lithology of glacial and fluvial deposits in Central Glasgow, UK. Engineering Geology 187 (2015) 98–112.
- Bolognesi, F, Vinciguerra, S, Bistacchi, A, and Dobbs, M. 2015. The role of the mechanical anisotropy on deformation and failure mode of phyllosilicate-rich mylonitic fabric: new insights from rock deformation laboratory experiments. Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana.
- Bolognesi, F, Bistacchi, A, Dobbs, M, Kirkham, M, and Vinciguerra, S. 2014. The lock-up angle for brittle activation of a phyllosilicate-rich mylonitic fabric: implications for rock strength and failure modes. Rendiconti Online della Società Geologica Italiana 31.
- Aydin, A, Dobbs, M R, Reeves, H J, Kirkham, M P, Graham, C C, and Jefferson, I. 2013. Electric field in compressed concrete using the Electric Potential Sensor. Second Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures. 9–11th September 2013. Istanbul, Turkey.
- Aydin, A, Dobbs, M R, Reeves, H J, Kirkham, M P, and Graham, C C. 2013. Stress induced electric field measurements of different rock lithology using the Electric Potential Sensor. 47th US Rock Mechanics / Geomechanics Symposium. 23 – 26th June 2013. San Francisco, USA.
- Aydin, A, Dobbs, M R, Reeves, H J, Graham, C C, and Kirkham, M P. 2013. Measuring stress induced electric field in Sandstone and Granite using the Electric Potential Sensor. EUROCK 2013 21–26th September 2013. Wroclaw, Poland.
- Dobbs, M R, Culshaw, M G, Northmore, K J, Reeves, H J, and Entwisle, D C. 2012. Methodology for creating national engineering geological maps of the UK. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 45, 335–347.
- MacDonald, A M, Maurice, L, Dobbs, M R, Reeves, H J and Auton, C A. 2012. Relating in situ hydraulic conductivity, particle size and relative density of superficial deposits in a heterogeneous catchment. Journal of Hydrology, 434–435, 130–141.
- Culshaw, M G, Dobbs, M, Reeves, H, J, Northmore, K J & Entwisle, D C. 2010. A tribute to Professor William Dearman: New small-scale engineering geological maps of the UK. In: Williams, A L, Pinches, G M, Chn, C Y, McMorran, T J & Massey, C I(eds). Geologically Active: Proceedings of the 11th IAEG Congress, Auckland, New Zealand, 5–10 Sept 2010. 187–198.
Published outputs
- Harrington, J F, Graham, C C, Dobbs, M, Cuss, R J, Daniels, K A, Wiseall, A C, Parkes, D, Paluzny-Rodriquez, A, Zimmerman, R, Salimzadeh, S, Tsaparli, V, Tempone, P, Xenias, D, and Whitmarsh, L. 2018. CONTAIN D11: Integrated final results and conclusions. CONTAIN Report D11. (72pp).
- Dobbs, M R, Kirkham, M P, Ougier-Simonin, A, and Cuss, R J. 2016. CONTAIN D3: Experimental parameters from reservoir material testing. Deliverable, D3. BGS Open Report OR/16/048. 157pp.
- Entwisle, D C, Hobbs, P R N, Northmore, K J, Skipper, J, Raines, M R, Self, S J, Ellison, R A, and Jones, L D. 2013. Engineering Geology of British Rocks and Soils – Lambeth Group. British Geological Survey Open Report, OR/13/006. 316pp. (Editors K J Northmore, M R Dobbs & S J Price)
- Williams, J D O, and Dobbs, M R. 2012. Particle Size Distribution analysis of central Glasgow in relation to lithology classification used in stochastic modelling. British Geological Survey Internal Report IR/12/039.
- Dobbs, M R, Hobbs, P R N, and Kirkham, M. 2012. MTS Rock Press User Manual – Tensile Strength Testing. British Geological Survey. INTERNAL REPORT IR/12/014.
- Dobbs, M R, Hobbs, P R N, and Kirkham, M. 2012. MTS Rock Press User Manual – Triaxial Testing. British Geological Survey INTERNAL REPORT IR/12/012.
- Dobbs, M R, Hobbs, P R N, and Kirkham, M. 2012. MTS Rock Press User Manual – Uniaxial Testing.British Geological Survey INTERNAL REPORT IR/12/013.
- BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 2011. Engineering Geology (Bedrock) Map of the United Kingdom. William R Dearman, Marcus R Dobbs, Martin G Culshaw, Kevin J Northmore, David C Entwisle and Helen J Reeves.
- BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 2011. Engineering Geology (Superficial) Map of the United Kingdom. William R Dearman, Marcus R Dobbs, Martin G Culshaw, Kevin J Northmore, David C Entwisle and Helen J Reeves.
- BRITISH GEOLOGICAL SURVEY 2011. Extended key for the engineering geology maps of the United Kingdom. William R Dearman, Marcus R Dobbs, Martin G Culshaw, Kevin J Northmore, David C Entwisle and Helen J Reeves.
- Dobbs, M R. 2009. Tills Engineering Geology: Haslingden and Bowlee Boreholes, Lancashire. British Geological Survey Open File Report, OR/09/044. 46pp.
Commissioned reports
- Dobbs, M.R., Haslam, R.B., and Tamayo-Mas, E. 2018. Desk-based review of software used by the oil and gas industry to model hydraulic fracturing. Environment Agency Report. Project number SC170020.
- Kendall, R.S., Leslie, A.G, Gillespie, M.R., Dodd, T.J.H., Kearsey, T.I., Bide, T.P., and Dobbs, M.R. 2018. A Summary of the Geology of Singapore. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/18/076. Version 2, July 2018.
- Gillespie, M.R., Leslie, A.G, Dodd, T.J.H., Bide, T.P., Kendall, R.S., Kearsey, T.I., Dobbs, M.R., and Lee, K.W. 2018. Bedrock Stratigraphy of Singapore. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/18/001. 137pp.
- Leslie, A.G, Gillespie, M.R., Dodd, T.J.H., Kendall, R.S., Bide, T.P., Kearsey, T.I., Dobbs, M.R. and Lee, K.W. 2018. Interpretative Geological Studies Report for Singapore. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/17/140. 313pp.
- Leslie, A.G, Gillespie, M.R., Dodd, T.J.H., Kendall, R.S., & Dobbs, M R. 2018. Field Geology Report for Singapore. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/17/108. 409pp.
- Kearsey, T., Haslam, R.B., Williamson, P. & Dobbs, M.R. 2018. Final 3D National Geological Bedrock Model Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/18/071. 41pp.
- Kearsey, T., Haslam, R.B., Williamson, P. & Dobbs, M.R. 2018. Final Area A Geological Bedrock Model Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/18/070. 22pp.
- White J. C., Evans D. J., Leslie A. G., Dobbs M. R., 2017. Reprocessing and reinterpretation of 2D seismic lines in Area A and Area C, Singapore. British Geological Survey BGS commissioned Report, CR/17/109. 159pp.
- Gillespie, M R, Leslie, A G, Dodd, T, Kendall, R S, Bide, T, Kearsey, T, Goodenough, K M, Wakefield, O J and Dobbs, M R. 2017. Final Bedrock Geology Core Logging Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/17/061. 43pp.
- FORD, J. R. AND DOBBS, M. R.. 2016. Desk Study and Review Report on previous maps, publications and data on the geology of Singapore. British Geological Survey Internal Report, CR\16\059. 68 pp.
- EVANS, D. J., LESLIE, A. G., White, J. C., DOBBS, M.R. AND DASHWOOD, B.A.J.. 2016. Area B Seismic Audit Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/16/210. 75pp.
- EVANS, D. J., LESLIE, A. G., White, J. C., DOBBS, M.R. AND DASHWOOD, B.A.J.. 2016. Area F Seismic Audit Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/16/211. 97pp.
- EVANS, D. J., WHITE, J. C., Dashwood, B.A.J., DOBBS, M.R. AND LESLIE, A. G.. 2016. Area B Main Production Seismic Stage Review Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/16/186. 47pp.
- EVANS, D. J., WHITE, J. C., Dashwood, B.A.J., DOBBS, M.R. AND LESLIE, A. G.. 2016. Area F Main Production Seismic Stage Review Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/16/187. 39pp.
- WHITE, J. C., DASHWOOD, B.A.J., DOBBS, M.R., EVANS, D. J., LESLIE, A. G., JACKSON, P. , HAWDON, K., DEEMING, K. AND ALI, M.. 2016. Area B Seismic First Line Stage Review Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/16/132. 107pp.
- WHITE, J. C., DASHWOOD, B.A.J., DOBBS, M.R., EVANS, D. J., LESLIE, A. G., JACKSON, P. , HAWDON, K., DEEMING, K. AND ALI, M.. 2016. Area F Seismic First Line Stage Review Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/16/133. 102pp.
- A R Farrant and M R Dobbs. 2012. Pen Park Hole Cave Survey Project, Southmead, Bristol. British Geological Surevy Commissioned Report CR/12/104.
- DOBBS, M. HOUGH, E. & EVANS, D.J. 2009a. Report on the Hay Nook Borehole, Preesall, Lancashire. British Geological Survey, Commercial in Confidence report to Canatxx Gas Storage Limited, January 2009, BGS Report Number CR/09/049.
- DOBBS, M. HOUGH, E. & EVANS, D.J. 2009b. Report on the Burrows Marsh Borehole (Middle Deviated), Preesall, Lancashire. British Geological Survey, Commercial in Confidence report to Canatxx Gas Storage Limited, January 2009, BGS Report Number CR/09/015.
- Hough, E & Dobbs, M & Witney, P. 2010. Hay Nook and Burrows Marsh (Middle Deviated) borehole core lithological logging. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report CR/10/128.
- JACKSON, P., DOBBS, M.R., DASHWOOD, B.A.J., HAWDON, K., DEEMING, K. AND ALI, M. . 2014. Area B Seismic Trials Stage Review Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/14/107. 51pp.
- JACKSON, P., DOBBS, M.R., Hawdon, K., Deeming, K., Ali, M. and Dashwood, B.A.J.. 2014. Area F Seismic Trials Stage Review Report. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/14/106. 53pp.
- M. Dobbs and P. S. Balson. 2010. Drigg Spit: Intrusive Investigations. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report CR/10/050
- MR DOBBS, A OUGIER-SIMONIN. 2016. Multi-stage triaxial rock testing of sandstone, siltstone and mudstone specimens for York Potash Mineral Transport System. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/16/140. 163pp.
- MR DOBBS. 2015. Triaxial Deformation Tests on Ludlow Shale Group Siltstone. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report, CR/15/098. 133pp.
- MR Dobbs & MP Kirkham. 2013. Laboratory rock testing of samples from boreholes HZEM-2, ST-51-C, MNSA-1 and ST-51-E for Saudi Aramco. British Geological Survey Commissioned Report CR/13/132.
- MR Dobbs, MP Kirkham, AS Butcher & S Wathall. 2014. Multi-stage triaxial rock testing of sandstone, siltstone and mudstone specimens for York Potash Mineral Transport System. British Geological Survey COMMISSIONED REPORT CR/14/126.
- P.R.N. Hobbs, M. R. Dobbs and R. J. Cuss. 2012. Desk Based Study and Literature Review of Diapirism in Plastic Clays and an analysis of the Critical state of Boom Clay. British Geological Survey Commercial Report CR/11/012.
- 2009 – ongoing : Soil and Rock Testing (British Standards, International Society Rock Mechanics, American Society for Testing and Materials)
- 2008 – ongoing : Project Management – Singapore, BGS Rock Mechanics Laboratory, Nottingham Caves Database, GGPP – Bedrock Project
- 2009 – ongoing : Terrestrial LiDAR and Global Navigation Satellite System Surveying
- 1996 – ongoing : Engineering geological classification of soils and rocks (British Standards, International Society of Rock Mechanics
- 2000 –2004 : Imperial College London, BSc (Hons) Geology
Professional association
- 2005 – ongoing : Fellow of the Geological Society of London
Boards and committees
- 2010 –2014 : Steering Group for Nottingham Caves Survey (Caves of Nottingham Regeneration Project)