Dr George Darling

BGS Wallingford

George Darling’s Biography

  •  1996 : PhD Open University, Fluid Geochemistry in the East African Rift Valley
  •  1992 – ongoing : Principal Researcher, British Geological Survey
  •  1974 –1992 : Hydrogeochemist, British Geological Survey
  •  1973 : BSc University of London, Geology (Hons)

Research interests

  • Characterisation of palaeo-climate by isotopic and noble gas methods
  • Dissolved gases as indicators of geochemical processes
  • Evaluating surface water-groundwater interaction
  • Geothermal resource characterisation
  • Groundwater residence time assessment
  • Stable isotopes as tracers of the hydrological cycle

Current projects and collaborations

  • Collaboration with other NERC centres and university departments
  • Consultant to the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on isotope hydrology
  • Wide range from groundwater recharge to carbon capture and storage

Key papers

  • DARLING W G AND BOWES M J. 2016. A long-term study of stable isotopes as tracers of processes governing water flow and quality in a lowland river basin: the upper Thames, UK. Hydrological Processes, Vol. 30, 2178–2195.
  • ALLEN D J, DARLING W G, DAVIES J, NEWELL A J, GOODDY D C AND COLLINS A L. 2014. Groundwater conceptual models: implications for evaluating diffuse pollution mitigation measures. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Vol. 47, 65–80.
  • EDMUNDS W M, DARLING W G, PURTSCHERT R AND CORCHO ALVARADO J A. 2014. Noble gas, CFC and other geochemical evidence for the age and origin of the Bath thermal waters, UK. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 40, 155–163.
  • DARLING, W G, GOODDY, D C, MORRIS, B L AND PEACH D W. 2012. The hydrochemistry of a Chalk aquifer during recovery from drought. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, Vol. 45, 473–486.
  • DARLING W G. 2011. The isotope hydrology of quaternary climate change. Journal of Human Evolution, Vol. 60, 417–427.
  • GATES, J B, EDMUNDS, W M, DARLING, W G, MA, J, PANG, Z and YOUNG, A A. 2008. Conceptual model of recharge to southeastern Badain Jaran Desert groundwater and lakes from environmental tracers. Applied Geochemistry, Vol. 23, 3519-3534.
  • DARLING, W G and GOODDY, D C. 2006. The hydrogeochemistry of methane: evidence from English groundwaters. Chemical Geology, Vol. 229, 293-12.
  • DARLING, W G, BATH, A H, GIBSON, J J and ROZANSKI, K. 2005. Isotopes in water. Chapter 1 in: Isotopes in Palaeoenvironmental Research (ed M J Leng), Vol 10 in Developments in Paleoenvironmental Research Series, Springer, 1-66.
  • DARLING, W G, BATH, A H and TALBOT, J C. 2003. The O & H stable isotopic composition of fresh waters in the British Isles. Hydrology & Earth System Sciences, Vol. 7, 183-195.

Published outputs


  • Analytical techniques for stable isotopes, reactive and noble gases
  • Interpretation of hydrogeochemical data
  • Specialist in a range of groundwater dating methods

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