Magret Damaschke

Dr Magret Damaschke

BGS Core Scanning Facility manager
BGS Keyworth


My current role is part of the UK Geoenergy Observatories project (UKGEOS; formerly known as the Energy Security & Innovation Observing System for the Subsurface – ESIOS) and involves the founding and supervision of a new Core Scanning Facility located within the National Geological Repository (NGR) at the British Geological Survey (BGS) in Keyworth. High-resolution core scanning becomes more and more an essential tool for non-destructive and continuous property analysis of drill cores; benefiting almost any engineering and geoscientific studies. A promising technique that will soon be available here at the BGS in Keyworth

Magret Damaschke’s Biography

  • 2017 – ongoing : Core Scanning Facility Manager, British Geological Survey, Environmental Science Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • 2013 –2017 : PhD in Earth Sciences, Volcanic Risk Solutions, Institute of Agriculture and Environment, Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand
  • 2006 –2012 : Diploma in Geology/Palaeontology, Institute of Geology and Mineralogy, University of Cologne, Germany
  • 2007 –2012 : Student Research Assistant, Quaternary Research Group, University of Cologne, Germany
  • 2012 : Graduate Research Project, Department of Earth Sciences, Pisa University, Italy
  • 2011 : Graduate Geological Mapping Project, Department of Geological Science, Jadavpur University, Kolkata, India
  • 2010 : CIIV Research Assistant, Faculty of Sciences, University of Colima, Mexico
  • 2009 –2010 : Study Abroad, Geography and Environmental Studies, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC, Canada

Research interests

  • Scientific drilling
  • Tephrostratigraphy and Tephrochronology
  • Chemical Volcanology
  • Volcanic Hazard and Risk
  • Palaeoenvironmental and Palaeoclimatic Studies
  • Quaternary Science

ORCID: 0000000235954950

Key papers

  • Damaschke, M, Cronin, S J, and Bebbington M S. 2018. A volcanic event forecasting model for multiple tephra records, demonstrated on Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. Bulletin of Volcanology, 80 (1), 9
  • Damaschke, M, Cronin, S J, Holt, K A, Bebbington, M S, and Hogg, A G. 2017a. A 30,000 yr high-precision eruption history for the andesitic Mt. Taranaki, North Island, New Zealand. Quaternary Research, 87(1), 1-23
  • Damaschke, M, Cronin, S J, Torres-Orozco, R, and Wallace, R C. 2017b. Unifying tephrostratigraphic approaches to redefine major Holocene marker tephras, Mt. Taranaki, New Zealand. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 337, 29-43
  • Torres-Orozco, R, Cronin, S J, Damaschke, M, and Pardo, N. 2017. Diverse dynamics of Holocene mafic-intermediate Plinian eruptions at Mt. Taranaki (Egmont), New Zealand. Bulletin of Volcanology, 79 (11), 76
  • Torres-Orozco, R, Damaschke, M, and Palmer, A. 2014. From summit to swamp: high and low explosive eruptive records at Mt Taranaki. In: Holt, K.A. (compiler) Field Trip Guide Volume, GeoSciences 2014 Conference, 24th– 27th November 2014, Pukekura Raceway and Function Centre, New Plymouth, New Zealand. Geoscience Society of New Zealand Miscellaneous Publication 139B: 5-14
  • Damaschke, M, Sulpizio, R, Zanchetta, Z, Wagner, B, Böhm, A, Nowaczyk, N, Rethemeyer, J, and Hilgers, A. 2013. Tephrostratigraphic studies on a sediment core from Lake Prespa in the Balkans. Climate of the Past, 9, 267-287
  • Zanchetta, G, Wagner, B, Sulpizio, R, Leng, M, and Damaschke, M, 2013. Tephrostratigraphy and paleolimnology of Lake Prespa and Lake Orhid between ca 8 and 50 ka. INTIMATE Meeting, 28th to 30th April, Blair Castle, Blair Atholl, Scottish Highlands.
  • Aufgebauer, A, Panagiotopoulos, K, Wagner, B, Schaebitz, F, Viehberg, F A, Vogel, H, Zanchetta, G, Sulpizio, R, Leng, M J, and Damaschke, M. 2012. Climate and environmental change in the Balkans over the last 17 ka recorded in sediments from Lake Prespa (Albania/F.Y.R. of Macedonia/Greece). Quaternary International, 274, 122-135
  • Wagner, B, Aufgebauer, A, Vogel, H, Zanchetta, G, Sulpizio, R, and Damaschke, M. 2012. Late Pleistocene and Holocene contourite drift in Lake Prespa (Albania/F.Y.R. of Macedonia/Greece). Quaternary International, 274, 112-121


  • Drill Core Logging/Scanning
  • Electron Microprobe Analyses (EPMA)
  • X-ray Fluorescence (XRF)
  • Geological Mapping

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