Sarah Collins

Sarah Collins

Groundwater modeller
BGS Edinburgh

Sarah Collins’s Biography

  • 2016 to ongoing: Groundwater Modeller, BGS
  • 2014 to 2016: Msc Water Resources and Environmental Management, Leibniz University of Hannover
  • 2011 to 2013: Project Editor, Prepress Projects Ltd, Perth, Scotland
  • 2008 to 2011: Bsc (Hons) Physics, University of Edinburgh


  • Nature-based solutions
  • Groundwater flooding
  • Groundwater, climate change and extreme events
  • Numerical methods for groundwater flow simulation
  • Incorporating groundwater in land surface models
  • Pumping test analysis and flow to boreholes


  • Hydro-JULES – Next generation land-surface and hydrological models
  • TerraFirma – Future impacts, risks and mitigation actions in a changing earth system

NERC Open Research Archive: Sarah Collins

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