Roxana is a trained geographer with background in Environmental Geological Engineering and Geohazards. Her research interests lie in better understanding the risks and impacts caused by natural hazards to communities and the built environment and increasing their resilience, taking into account changing environmental and socio-economic conditions. Her PhD research aimed to assess vulnerability and loss of buildings to hydro-meteorological hazards. In her current work, she focuses on integrating different tools and techniques for assessing susceptibility, exposure, vulnerability and impacts to multiple hazards with an outlook on their spatial and temporal interaction. As a Policy Fellow (UKRI ESRC), she works on assessing the use of risk information in practice, especially in policy development, planning and response to disruptive events. Roxana collaborates with practice and policy stakeholders, across scales and sectors, in national and international settings. With her work, she aims to bridge the gap between science, policy, and practice in Disaster Risk Management.
Roxana Ciurean’s biography
- 2018 to ongoing: Geohazard scientist, multi-hazards and resilience, BGS, UK
- 2017 to 2017: External Expert, DRMKC, Joint Research Centre, EC
- 2012 to 2016: PhD, Geomorphological Systems and Risk Research Group, University of Vienna
- 2010 to 2012: MSc Environmental Geology and Geohazards, University of Oslo
- 2007 to 2009: MSc Environmental Geological Engineering, University of Bucharest
- 2007 to 2009: Researcher, Geological Institute of Romania
- 2003 to 2007: BSc Geography and Spanish Language, University of Bucharest
Research interests
- Landslide modelling, hazard, vulnerability and risk assessment
- Multi-hazard risk assessment and management
- Remote sensing and GIS applied in (multi-)hazard risk analysis
- DRR and sustainable development under environmental and socio-economic change
- Cascading and systemic impacts of natural hazards and risks
- Knowledge co-production and stakeholder engagement
- Use of risk information in policy and practice
- 2023 to 2025: Scottish Government – Building Resilience in Scotland – a cross-disciplinary study (UKRI ESRC)
- 2023 to 2025: EO4Multihazard – Earth Observation for High-Impact Multi-Hazards Science (ESA)
- 2021 to 2025: MYRIAD-EU – Multi-hazard and systemic framework for enhancing risk-informed management and decision-making in the EU (Horizon 2020)
- 2019 to 2021: FRESCO – Research into methods to collect data on socio-economic impacts of severe weather events in India (MetOffice WCSSP IND6, UK)
- 2019 to 2021: PhiGO – Groundwater Outlook (NERC)
- 2018 to 2021: METEOR – Modelling Exposure Through Earth Observation Routines (UK Space Agency)
- 2018 to 2019: Review of multi-hazards research and risk assessments (NERC)
ORCID: 0000-0002-9660-5025
Key papers
- Bryce, E, Castro-Camilo, D, Dashwood, C, Tanyas, H, Ciurean, R, Novellino, A, and Lombardo, L. 2024. An updated landslide susceptibility model and a log-Gaussian Cox process extension for Scotland. Landslides.
- Šakić Trogrlić, R, Reiter, K, Ciurean, R, Gottardo, S, Torresan, S, Daloz, A S, Ma, L, Padrón Fumero, N, Tatman, S, Hochrainer-Stigler, S, de Ruiter, M C, Schlumberger, J, Harris, R, Garcia-Gonzalez, S, García-Vaquero, M, Arévalo, T L F, Hernandez-Martin, R, Mendoza-Jimenez, J, Ferrario, D M, and Geurts, D, et al. 2024. Challenges in assessing and managing multi-hazard risks: A European stakeholders perspective. Environmental Science and Policy, 157
- Hochrainer-Stigler, S, Trogrlić Šakić, R, Reiter, K, Ward, P J, de Ruiter, M C, Duncan, M J, Torresan, S, Ciurean, R, Mysiak, J, Stuparu, D, and Gottardo, S. 19 May 2023. Toward a framework for systemic multi-hazard and multi-risk assessment and management. In: iScience. 26, 5
- Ward, P J, Daniell, J, Duncan, M, Dunne, A, Hananel, C, Hochrainer-Stigler, S, Tijssen, A, Torresan, S, Ciurean, R, Gill, J C, Sillmann, J, Couasnon, A, Koks, E, Padrón-Fumero, N, Tatman, S, Tronstad Lund, M, Adesiyun, A, Aerts, J C J H, Alabaster, A, Bulder, B, Campillo Torres, C, and Critto, A, et al. 2022. Invited perspectives: A research agenda towards disaster risk management pathways in multi-(hazard-) risk assessment, NHESS
- Palamakumbura, R, Finlayson, A, Ciurean, R, Nedumpallile-Vasu, N, Freeborough, K, and Dashwood, C. 2021. Geological and geomorphological influences on a recent debris flow event in the Ice-scoured Mountain Quaternary domain, western Scotland, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association
Key reports
- Schlumberger J, Stuparu D, Ciurean R, Duncan M, Mysiak J, Khazai B, et al. 2023. D1.3 Report on policies, policy-making processes, and governance for multi- hazard, multi-risk management. Zenodo
- Duncan, M, Smale, L, Crummy J M, Ciurean R, Napier, A, and Sainath Chintham, et al. 2022. WIKI-style online crowdsourcing platform of multi-hazard, multi-risk methods, models, and tools. Zenodo
- Gill, J, Duncan, M, Ciurean, R, Smale, L, Stuparu, D, and Schlumberger, J, et al. 2022. D1.2 Handbook of Multi-hazard, Multi-Risk Definitions and Concepts. Zenodo
- Crummy, J M, Smith, N, Lawrie, K, Bow, J, Gillespie, M, Ciurean, R, and Loughlin, S C. 2021. BGS▪SIGMA for Disaster Risk Reduction: data collection and analysis toolkit for physical vulnerability assessment in multi-hazard environments. British Geological Survey Internal Report, 36pp. (IR/21/040)
- Mallin, M D, McKenzie, A, Barkwith, A, Ciurean, R, Guzman, Ma A L G, Espiritu, E, Abano, Engr, S, Guico, M L, Monje, J C, Oppus, C, and Yousaf, J. 2021. PhiGO 2020 stakeholder workshop: information dissemination and data portal design. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 29pp. (OR/20/070)
- Winson, A, Crummy, J, Mee, K, Boon, D, Ciurean, R, Dashwood, C, Garcia-Bajo, M, Sampson, C, and Silva, V. 2019. METEOR: hazard footprints for Nepal and Tanzania. Report M6.1/P. Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 126pp. (OR/19/066)
- Ciurean, R, Gill, J, Reeves, H J, O’Grady, S, and Aldridge, T. 2018. Review of multi-hazards research and risk assessments, Nottingham, UK, British Geological Survey, 86pp. (OR/18/057)
Book chapters
- Micu, M, Jurchescu, M, Șandric, I, Mărgărit, M C, Chițu, Z, Micu, D, Ciurean, R L, Ilinca, V, and Vasile, M. 2016. Mass Movements, In: Rădoane M, Vespremeanu-Stroe, A. (eds.) Landform Dynamics and Evolution in Romania, Springer, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-32589-7_32
- Molinari, D, Tsionis, G, Athanasopoulou, A, Bournas, D, Ciurean, R, De Gregorio, D, Leone, M, Rossetto, T, Sousa, M L, and Zuccaro, G. ‘Residential sector’, in: Casajus Valles, A, Marin Ferrer, M, Poljanšek, K, Clark, I. (eds.). Science for Disaster Risk Management 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrow, EUR 30183 EN, Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2020, ISBN 978-92-76-18182-8, JRC114026
- Duncan, M, Ciurean, R L, Gill, J, Smale, L, Stuparu, D, and Schlumberger J, et al. 2023. Research brief: Establishing a common baseline for multi-hazard, multi-risk research in a European context: Key observations and recommendations. Zenodo
- Schlumberger, J, Stuparu, D, Ciurean, R L, Duncan, M, Mysiak, J, and Khazai B, et al. 2023. Research brief: A review of current multi-risk governance practice in Europe. Zenodo
- Member of the Steering Group, The National Centre for Resilience, University of Glasgow
- UKRI (ESRC) Policy Fellow with The Scottish Government (2023 – 2025)
- Marie Curie Fellow, ITN CHANGES Project (2012 – 2014)
- Reviewer for NHESS, Natural Hazards, IJDRR, Earth’s Future, Disasters