Simon Chenery

Dr Simon Chenery

Analytical geochemist
BGS Keyworth

Simon Chenery’s Biography

  • 1991 – ongoing : Senior Analytical Geochemist, Analytical Geochemical Laboratories, British Geological Survey, Keyworth
  • 1990 –1991 : Post-Doctoral Fellow, “Development of Novel Sample Introduction and Measurement Techniques for Atomic Spectrometry” at Dept. of Chemistry, Birkbeck College, London
  • 1986 –1990 : PhD, “Laser Abalation for Sample Introduction in Atomic Spectrometry”, Applied Geochemistry Research Group, Imperial College, London
  • 1984 –1985 : MSc in Microprocessor Technology and Applications at Dept of Electrical Engineering, Brighton Polytechnic
  • 1982 –1984 : PGRA Geochemical Analysis, NERC ICP-AES Facility, Dept. of Geology, Kings College London
  • 1979 –1982 : BSc Chemistry with Geochemistry at Dept. of Chemistry, Leicester University

Research interests

  • 2009 – ongoing : Availability of metals in soils, peats and sediments as measured by novel methodologies. Includes: PhD supervision at Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Nottingham University; Marie Curie Research Fellow Maria Izquierdo and Andy Tye at BGS, Keyworth.
  • 1998 – ongoing : “Dating the anthropocene”: use of stable lead isotope ratios and uranium isotopes by ICP-MS; Pb-210 and Cs-137 etc by gamma spectrometry to understand how we have changed our environment over the last few hundred years. Current BGS projects from Soils and Coastal Processes programmes; PhD supervision of Nick Lloyd, University of Leicester, 2007-2010.
  • 1996 – ongoing : Analysis of archaeological materials including pottery (various Scottish archeologists and museums); glass with Dept. of Archaeology, Nottingham University; teeth and bones with Depts of Archaeology, Bradford and Durham Universities.
  • 1995 – ongoing : Geochemistry of hard parts of aquatic biota (shells, corals, fish otoliths) as “tape-recorders” of environmental change. Includes joint PhD supervision at School of Ocean Sciences, Bangor.

Professional associations

  • 1984 – ongoing:Member of Royal Society of Chemistry and Chartered Chemist

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