Charlotte Brown’s Biography
- 2012 – ongoing : Senior Volcanologist, British Geological Survey
- 2018 – ongoing : Honorary Research Fellow, Durham University
- 2010 –2013 : Visiting Research Fellow, The Open University
- 2008 –2012 : Volcanologist, British Geological Survey
- 2005 –2009 : PhD ‘Flow field formation and compositional variations of flood basalt eruptions’, The Open University
- 2000 –2005 : Geologist, British Geological Survey
- 1997 –2000 : BSc Joint Honours Geology and Geography, Keele University
Research interests
- Lava flow emplacement and architecture of flood basalt provinces
- Volcanic and magmatic evolution of the East African Rift
- Volcanic hazards and their impacts
- Multidisciplinary approaches to understanding and mitigating volcanic risk
- Science into policy and communicating uncertainty
Current projects and collaborations
- Rift Volcanism: Past, Present, Future ([RiftVolc]) – NERC Large Grant with the universities of Edinburgh, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, Oxford and Southampton
- Volcanic history, hazards and impact on Ascension Island ([Volcanology of Ascension Island])
- Supervising PhD students: Catherine Gallagher, Durham University and University of Iceland – The sources, mechanisms and timing of volatile loss accompanying large-volume basaltic volcanism.
- Past PhD students: Sarah Medynski – CRNS-Nancy, Barbara Hofmann – University of Leeds, Elspeth Robertson – Bristol University, Peter Fawdon – Open University, Nathan Magnall – Lancaster University, Tom Jones – Durham University
NERC Open Research Archive — Dr Charlotte Vye-Brown
Key papers
2018 : Vye-Brown, C, Barry, T L, and Self, S. 2018. Revealing emplacement dynamics of a simple flood basalt eruption unit using systematic compositional heterogeneities. In: Poland, M P, Garcia, M O, Camp, V E, and Grunder, A, (Eds.) Field Volcanology: A Tribute to the Distinguished Career of Don Swanson. Geological Society of America Special Paper 538(2)
2018 : Hutchison, W, Mather, T A, Pyle, D M, Boyce, A J, Gleeson, M L, Yirgu, G, Blundy, J D, Ferguson, D J, Vye-Brown, C, Millar, I L, and Sims, K W. 2018. The evolution of magma during continental rifting: New constraints from the isotopic and trace element signatures of silicic magmas from Ethiopian volcanoes. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 489, pp.203-218.
2017 : Jones, T J, Llewellin, E W, Houghton, B F, Brown, R J, and Vye-Brown, C. 2017. Proximal lava drainage controls on basaltic fissure eruption dynamics. Bulletin of Volcanology, 79(11), p.81.
2017 : Magnall, N, James, M R, Tuffen, H, and Vye-Brown, C. 2017. Emplacing a cooling-limited rhyolite lava flow: similarities with basaltic lava flows. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5, p.44.
2016 : Vye-Brown, C, Medynski, S, Smith, K B, Field, L, Hofmann, B, Wright, T. 2016. Geological map of the Dabbahu (Manda-Hararo) Rift, Afar, Ethiopia, 1:100 000 scale. British Geological Survey
2016 : Vye-Brown, C, Sparks, R S J, Lewi, E, Mewa, G, Asrat, A, Loughlin, S C, Mee, K and Wright, T J. 2016. Ethiopian volcanic hazards: a changing research landscape. In T J Wright et al. (Eds) Magmatism, Rifting and Active Volcanism. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 420.
2016 : Wright, T J, Ayele, A, Ferguson, D, Kidane, T and Vye-Brown, C. 2016. Magmatic rifting and active volcanism: Introduction to special publication. In: Wright, T J, Ayele, A, Ferguson, D J, Kidane, T & Vye-Brown, C. (eds) Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 420
2016 : Medynski, S, Pik, R, Burnard, P, Dumont, S, Grandin, R, Williams, A, Blard, P -H, Schimmelpfennig, I, Vye-Brown, C, France, L, Ayalew, D, Benedetti, L, Yirgu, G, ASTER team. 2016. Magmatic cycles pace tectonic and morphological expression of rifting (Afar depression, Ethiopia). Earth and Planetary Science Letters.
2016 : Robertson, E, Biggs, J, Cashman, K, Floyd, M, Vye-Brown, C. 2015. Influence of regional tectonics and pre-existing structures on elliptical caldera formation in the Kenyan Rift. In T J Wright et al. (Eds) Magmatism, Rifting and Active Volcanism. Geological Society of London Special Publication, 420.
2015 : Medynski, S, Pik, R, Burnard, P, Vye-Brown, C, France, L, Schimmelpfennig, I, Whaler, K, Johnson, N, Benedetti, L, Ayelew, D & Yirgu, G. 2015. Stability of rift axis magma reservoirs: Spatial and temporal evolution of magma supply in the Dabbahu rift segment (Afar, Ethiopia) over the past 30 kyr. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 409, 278-289.
2015 : Fawdon, P, Skok, J R, Balme, M, Vye-Brown, C, Rothery, D, Jordan, C. 2015. The geological history of Nili Patera, Mars. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets.
2015 : Loughlin, S C, Vye-Brown, C, Sparks, R S J, Brown, S K et al. 2015. An introduction to global volcanic hazard and risk. In S C Loughlin et al., (Eds) Global volcanic hazards and risk. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 76-167.
2015 : Brown, S K, Sparks, R S J, Mee, K, Ilyinskaya, E, Jenkins, S F, Loughlin, S C, Vye-Brown, C, et al. 2015. Country and regional profiles of volcanic hazard and risk. In S C Loughlin et al. (Eds) Global volcanic hazards and risk. Cambridge University Press (electronic resource).
2015 : Brown, S K, Loughlin, S C, Sparks, R S J, Vye-Brown, C, et al. 2015. Global volcanic hazard and risk. In S C Loughlin et al., (Eds) Global volcanic hazards a. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 76-167.
2014 : Vye-Brown, C. 2014. ‘Capacity building and preparedness for multi-hazards in Ethiopia’ workshop report. British Geological Survey Open File Report (OR/14/059)
2013 : Vye-Brown, C, Self, S, Barry, T L. 2013. Architecture and emplacement of flood basalt flow fields: case studies from the Columbia River Basalt Group, NW USA. Bulletin of Volcanology, 75:697.
2013 : Vye-Brown, C, Gannoun, A, Barry, T L, Self, S, Burton, K W. 2013. Osmium isotope variations accompanying the eruption of a single lava flow field in the Columbia River Flood Basalt Province. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 368:183-194.
2013 : Medynski, S, Pik, R, Burnard, P. Williams, A, Vye-Brown, C, Ferguson, D, Blard, P -H, France, L, Yirgu, G, Seid, J I, Ayalew, D, Calvert, A. 2013. Controls on magmatic cycles and development of rift topography of the Manda Hararo segment (Afar, Ethiopia): Insights from cosmogenic 3He investigation of landscape evolution. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 367:133-145.
2012 : Loughlin, S C, Aspinall, W P A, Vye-Brown, C, Baxter, P, Schmidt, A, Witham, C. 2012. Large Magnitude fissure eruptions in Iceland : source characterisation, Report for Civil Contingencies Secretariat (Cabinet Office), BGS Open Report OR/12/098.
- Geological mapping (including field-based, ArcGIS and remote mapping methodologies)
- Physical volcanology and field geology
- Geochemistry and igneous petrology
- Remote sensing interpretation of volcanic regions
Boards and commitees
- 2013 –2017 : Leader of the IAVCEI Early-Career Network (EC-NET)
- 2010 –2013 : Member of Council of the Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group
- 2010 –2013 : Member of the Geological Society of London External Relations Committee
- 2010 –2014 : UK representative and member of the Professional Development Working Group of the Young Earth Scientists (YES) Network
- 2003 –2005 : Member of Council of the Edinburgh Geological Society