Jennifer Bow’s Biography
- 2008 : British Geological Survey: GIS Specialist
- 2006 –2008 : British Geological Survey: Cartographer and Illustrator
- 2002 –2003 : University of Calgary: Research Assistant for CHAPS and APPROACH
- 2001 –2002 : MGIS University of Calgary, Canada, GIS and Remote Sensing
- 1994 –1999 : BA University of Calgary, Canada, Geography
Current projects and collaborations
- AGS Borehole Ingestion (Association of Geotechnical & Geoenvironmental Specialists)
- IGSN API and Ingestion Development (International Geo Sample Number)
- Sensornet
- SIGMA (System for Integrated Geoscience Mapping)
Published outputs
NERC Open Research Archive — Jennifer Bow
Bow, C J D, Waters, N M, Faris, P D, Seidel, J E, Galbraith, P D, Knudton, M L, Ghalt, W A. Accuracy of city postal code coordinates as a proxy for location of residence, International Journal of Health Geographics, 3:5.
Key papers
Bow, J, and BGS.SIGMA. 2015. External User Guide for BGS.SIGMA Mobile and Desktop Toolbars. BGS Open Report.
Bow, J, and BGS.SIGMA. 2015. User Guide for BGS.SIGMA Mobile and Desktop Toolbars. BGS Internal Report.
Bow, J, Adlam K A M, and BGS.SIGMA. 2012. User Guide. BGS Internal Report.
Bow, J, Adlam K A M, Turner, P, and BGS.SIGMA. 2012. Open Source User Guide. BGS Open Report.
Jordan, C J, Bateson, L, Bow J, Napier B, and Johnson Sabine, R. 2009. GeoVisionary software for 3D visualisation and petroleum exploration in southern Tajikistan. Proceedings of the RSPSoc Annual Conference.
Jordan, C J, Bee, E J, Smith, N A, Lawrie, K I G, Marchant, A P, Wildman, G, Bow, J, and Shelley, W. 2009. User Guide for iX104s. BGS Internal Report.
Bateson, L, Ellison, R A, Newell, A J, and Bow, J. 2008. Petroleum Exploration in Southern Tajikistan using Geovisionary Software for 3D Visualisation. PETEX Conference.
2002 : Master’s Thesis: A GIS Based Study of Address and Postal Code Locations of the City of Calgary and Statistics Canada’s Street Network Files and their use in Medical Geography Research.
- GIS Analysis, Scripting, and Support
- Programming in Python, FME and
- Oracle Database Development
- Writing technical documents and delivering training courses