Keith Bateman’s Biography
- 1987 – ongoing : Senior Scientist with research experience of; water-rock interaction related to the sub-surface storage of carbon dioxide, cement porewaters, geological disposal of hazardous wastes, reactions in geothermal systems and examination of the influence of microbes on chemical environments, gas hydrate stability. Extensive experience of the designing, constructing, operating and interpreting experimental investigations into fluid-rock interactions over a wide range of temperatures and pressures, and in the management of such work programmes.
- 1982 –1985 : BSc Liverpool University, Chemistry
- 1993 –1995 : MSc University of Leeds, Geochemistry
Research interests
- Reactions in geothermal systems. Geological disposal of hazardous wastes,Cement porewater reactions.
- Sub-surface storage of carbon dioxide
- Sediment hosted gas hydrates,Sub-sea monitoring/gas quantification
- Influence of microbes on chemical environments and transport properties
Published outputs
NERC Open Research Archive — Keith Bateman
Key papers
Lacinska, A M, Styles, M T, Bateman, K, Hall, M, Brown, P D. 2017 An experimental study of the carbonation of serpentinite and partially serpentinised peridotites. Frontiers in Earth Science, 5, 37. 10.3389/feart.2017.00037 Lovell and C A Rochelle eds). Geological Society Special Publication No. 319, 171-183.
Bateman, K, Rochelle, C, Lacinska, A, Wagner, D, Taylor, H and Shaw, R. 2011. CO2-porewater-rock reactions – Large-scale column experiment (Big RIG II). Original Research Article Energy Procedia, Volume 4, 4937-4944.
West, J M, McKinley, I G, Rochelle, C A, Bateman, K A, Kawamura, H. 2006. Microbiological effects on the Cavern-Extended Storage (CES) repository for radioactive waste: a quantitative evaluation. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 90 (1-2). 114-122. 10.1016/j.gexplo.2005.09.010
Bateman, K, Turner, G, Pearce, J M, Noy, D J, Birchall, D, and Rochelle, C A. 2005. Large-scale column experiment: Study of CO2, porewater, rock reactions and model test case. Oil and Gas Science and Technology – Revue de l’IFP (Proceedings of International Conference on Gas-Water-Rock Interactions Induced by Reservoir Exploitation, CO2 Sequestration and Other Geological Storage, held at IFP, Paris, France, 18-20 November 2003), 60(1), p161-175.
- Experimental Geochemistry, High pressure fluid-rock-(microbe) reactions