BGS London Information Point

About BGS — Contact us

The BGS Information Point in the Natural History Museum in London has moved to the Angela Marmont Centre in the museum’s UK Centre for Biodiversity (UKB), located in the Orange Zone of the museum.

The BGS Information Point provides an in-person enquiries service, working alongside the museum’s identification and advisory service. As part of the new geoscience discovery partnership with the NHM, BGS are also working on a targeted public engagement programme spanning several areas of museum work, including displays, educational events, resources and collections.

Geological maps and books are accessible through the BGS online shop or you can email the sales team ( Please note, these are no longer kept onsite at the museum; if you wish to use the workshop space or access the BGS collection stored at the NHM please email in advance of your visit to make an appointment. Maps, books or other reference material can be made available to view but please email in advance to ensure we can provide the materials requested.

You can access our reference material and digital data by emailing BGS enquiries (

Please email BGS engagement ( if you have any questions or feedback on this move.

Opening hours

Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday: 10:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 16:00


Plan your journey using Google Maps or transport for London’s journey planner.

Contact and address

British Geological Survey
Natural History Museum
Cromwell Road

Email BGS engagement (
Or call (+44) 0207 942 5262 or (+44) 0207 942 5264

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