The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Tillybrex Sand and Gravel Formation

Computer Code: TBXSG Preferred Map Code: TX
Status Code: Full
Age range: Mid Pleistocene (QPM) — Mid Pleistocene (QPM)
Lithological Description: A clayey gravel and yellowish brown sand, with subrounded to well-rounded pebbles of psammite, meta-wacke and quartzite, with some gneiss and slate, the latter two rock types being strongly weathered.
Definition of Lower Boundary: A sharp, erosional, undulating contact with very compact, yellowish brown sandy clay diamicton of the Bellscamphie Till Formation, containing clasts of psammite, meta-wacke and quartzite derived from the west.
Definition of Upper Boundary: A sharp, planar, unconformable contact with an unnamed brown till, containing clasts of psammite, meta-wacke and quartzite derived from the west, or with dark grey pebbly clay diamicton of the Pitlurg Farm Till Member, with sparse erratics and fossils derived from Jurassic strata beneath the Moray Firth to the north-west.
Thickness: 12 m.
Geographical Limits: Eastern Aberdeenshire. Sheet Scotland 87W (Ellon).
Parent Unit: East Grampian (Albion) Glacigenic Subgroup (EGAG)
Previous Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Section  Former Tillybrex gravel pit section and BGS-registered borehole NK03SW/1, cited by Merritt, 1981, drilled on the quarry floor. Merritt, 1981; Merritt et al., 2003. 
Merritt, J W. 1981. The sand and gravel resources of the country around Ellon, Grampian Region. Description of 1:25 000 resource sheet NJ93 with parts of NJ82, NJ83 and NJ92, NK03 and parts of NK02 and NK13. Mineral assessment Report of the Institute of Geological Sciences, No. 76. 
Merritt, J W, Auton, C A, Connell, E R, Hall, A M and Peacock, J D. 2003. The Cainozoic geology and landscape evolution of north-east Scotland. Memoir of the British Geological Survey, Sheets 66E, 67, 76E, 77, 86E, 87W, 87E, 95, 96W, 96E and 97 (Scotland) 
McMillan, A A, Hamblin, R J O, and Merritt, J W. 2011. A lithostratigraphical framework for onshore Quaternary and Neogene (Tertiary) superficial deposits of Great Britain and the Isle of Man. British Geological Survey Research Report, RR/10/03. 343pp. 
Hall, A M and Jarvis, J. 1995. A multiple till sequence near Ellon, Grampian Region: T F Jamieson's "indigo boulder clay" re-examined. Scottish Journal of Geology, Vol.31, 53-59. 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used: