The BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units — Result Details

Soar Valley Formation

Computer Code: SOARV Preferred Map Code: notEntered
Status Code: Full
Age range: Mid Pleistocene (QPM) — Holocene Epoch (QH)
Lithological Description: Mainly post-Anglian fluvial terrace and alluvial deposits of the River Soar of Leicestershire and those of its tributaries such as the Wreake, but excluding Anglian/pre Anglian deposits of the so-called Proto-Soar or Bytham River. Mainly sand, gravel and mud; divided (in type area) into six principal "terrace" members (Eagle Moor, Knighton, Birstall, Wanlip, Syston, and Hemington members), plus Holocene alluvium (the Soar Member of Bowen, 1999). Includes contemporaneous head, colluvium and soil deposits. Gravel is generally dominated by "Bunter" pebbles and flints in roughly equal proportions, plus other components including Charnian material.
Definition of Lower Boundary: Unconformable, commonly channelled base on Anglian glacial deposits (Wolston Formation) or on pre-Quaternary bedrock.
Definition of Upper Boundary: Ground surface.
Thickness: 0 to c. 10 m.
Geographical Limits: Catchment of the modern Soar (including Wreake).
Parent Unit: Trent-Witham Catchments Subgroup (TRWCA)
Previous Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Alternative Name(s): none recorded or not applicable
Type Area  Lower Soar valley, Loughborough area. Brandon, 1999; Carney et al., 2001; 2002a, b, c. 
Stoker, M S, McMillan, A A and Waters, C N. Quaternary Stratigraphical Chart: Southern Britain. British Geological Survey, 1 poster. 
Brandon, A. 1994. Geology of the Normanton on Soar area: 1:10 000 Sheet SK52SW. British Geological Technical Report WA/94/60. 
Brandon, A. 1999. Geology of the Wreake valley (SK61NE, 71NW, 71SW and 81NW). British Geological Survey Technical Report WA/99/17. 
Bowen, D Q. 1999. A revised correlation of Quaternary deposits in the British Isles. Geological Society Special Report, No. 23. 
Carney, J N, Ambrose, K and Brandon A. 2002. Geology of the Melton Mowbray district - a brief explanation of the geological map. British Geological Survey Sheet Explanation, Sheet 142 (England and Wales). 
Carney, J N, Ambrose, K and Brandon, A. 2002. Geology of the Loughborough district. Sheet explanation of the British Geological Survey, Sheet 141 (England and Wales). 
1:50K maps on which the lithostratigraphical unit is found, and map code used:
E141 E142 E143 E156 E157 E169 E170